Park Train Ads

by Joe Thompson

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Chance Manufacturing Company

1960 Chance CP Huntington Ad An ad for the popular C P Huntington replica, an internal combustion locomotive introduced by Chance Manufacturing in 1960. The original C P Huntington, an unusual 4-2-0T, bought by the Central Pacific Railroad in 1863, is preserved at the California State Railroad Museum. From Billboard, 10-October-1960. "Known to be a scene stealer and train robbin' crowd pleaser."

Handcar Ad A Chance Manufacturing ad for a handcar ride. From Billboard, 10-October-1960. "Pump Awhile * Coast a Mile."

1960 Aerotrain Ad An ad for the Aerotrain. It says the train is patterened after the "GM Aerojet," but they mean the "Aerotrain," a streamliner introduced by the Electro-Motive Division of General Motors in the 1950s. From Billboard, 31-October-1960.

1960 Ottaway B-14 Rocketliner Ad An ad for the Ottaway B-14 Rocketliner, built by Chance Manufacturing. From Billboard, 21-November-1960.

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Eagle Locomotive Works (Cagney Steam Train)

1960 Eagle/Cagney Ad/1 An ad for Cagney-type locomotives built by the new Eagle Locomotive Works in South River, New Jersey. From Billboard, 11-April-1960. "The Famous Cagney Steam Train."

An article in the 25-July-1960 Billboard, "Firm Builds Cagneys Again; Originals Ran in 1894-1926," describes how the new Eagle Locomotive Works had hired Robert Parr, who had worked for the Cagney family since 1905, to make new Cagneys. "Parr had the machinery and also a 1924 model train on permanent loan from the owner, Mrs Charles Cagney..." The company was established on the grounds of the Pine Creek Railroad. I have read that they did not sell any of these locomotives, but they did rebuild old locomotives for other park trains.

1960 Eagle/Cagney Ad/2 Another ad for Cagney-type locomotives built by the new Eagle Locomotive Works in South River, New Jersey. From Billboard, 27-June-1960. The ad also offers a 3-foot gauge Porter.

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Miniature Train and Railroad Company

1948 Miniature Train Ad An ad for the Miniature Train and Railroad Company from Billboard, 18-September-1948. "Get the Best."

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National Amusement Devices Company

1947 National Ad An ad for Dayton, Ohio's National Amusement Devices Company from Billboard, 29-March-1947. "Unsurpassed Aristocrat of Miniature Trains." It says the Century Flyer is the "largest miniature train built."
1950 National Ad
An ad for Dayton, Ohio's National Amusement Devices Company from Billboard, 08-July-1950. It shows a Century Flyer at Spangler Park in Sunbury, Pennsylvania, painted to represent the Pennsylvania Railroad's Trail Blazer, which ran from New York to Chicago, via Pittsburgh.

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Ottaway Amusement Company

1948 Ottaway Ad An ad for the Ottaway Amusement Company from Billboard, 18-September-1948. "You need a steam train to make real money."

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Copyright 2011-2012 by Joe Thompson. All rights reserved.

Last updated 31-May-2012