Click on thumbnails to view larger photos. Use back arrow to return. All photos by Joe Thompson unless otherwise credited. All rights reserved. Ardenwood Historic Farm, FremontJuly, 2018
Being in the East Bay one Sunday, we visited Ardenwood Farm and took a ride behind their Plymouth locomotive, Katie. Katie pulled two nicely painted picnic cars. The handicapped car had dry rot, so it was being worked on. I had seen the flier for the 2018 Labor Day Railfair. It said "For this year only, a steam engine will not be pulling the public. An 1890 Porter steam locomotive, Cortez Mining Co. #1, the 'Ann Marie,' will be pulling a demonstration train for everyone's viewing enjoyment and great photo opportunities." The brakeman on our car said that they can't give rides behind the Porter steam locomotive for the Labor Day Railfair this year for legal reasons. They are rebuilding the runaround track at Deer Park Station. Later in the week, I learned that the SPCRR had run afoul of state rules about carrying the public. The visiting steam locomotives have been private restorations, often with original safety apparatus. SPCRR is working on a solution for next year. Katie pulls a train from Ardenwood Station.
Go to top of page. Return to Park Trains and Tourist Trains September, 2018
On the Sunday of Labor Day weekend, we went to the 19th annual Washington Township Railroad Fair at Ardenwood Farm in Fremont. The weather was pleasant, with a breeze that kept it from getting too hot. Turnout was good this year. A brakeman said the train had 2000 riders yesterday. We saw 1890 Porter 0-4-0 Ann Marie push a newly built coach into Ardenwood Yard. Ann Marie could not pull a passenger train for the public this year because of issues about some state rules. They hope to resolve the situation for next year. Ann Marie made some demonstration runs between Ardenwood Station and Deer Park.
Ann Marie pushes her coach into Ardenwood Station. Katie pulls a train into Deer Park Station. Here is the flier for the 2018 event. Go to top of page. Return to Park Trains and Tourist Trains September, 2019Here is the flier for the 2019 event. Go to top of page. Return to Park Trains and Tourist Trains |
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Copyright 2003-2019 by Joe Thompson. All rights reserved.
Last updated 31-July-2019