Casa de Fruta

by Joe Thompson

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We visited Casa de Fruta on the Pacheco Pass. They have a train that gives a good 15 minute ride. I especially enjoyed the stretch along the creek. An old locomotive and set of cars is for sale. The station is called the "Casa de Choo Choo".

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Caboose A red caboose is on display. July, 2013.

On the way back from our Disneyland, 2013 trip, we took I-5 instead of 101. After crossing the Pacheco Pass, we made an early-morning stop at Casa de Fruta. A tour bus had arrived just ahead of us, so there was time to look around at the railroad.

Crossing Sign/1 A crossing sign. July, 2013.

Tunnel Portal/1 One end of the Haunted Tunnel. July, 2013.

Tunnel Portal/2 The locomotive sits behind a gate at the other end of the Haunted Tunnel. The track branching to the right goes to a shed. I assume the train cars are behind the locomotive. July, 2013.

Shed The shed at the end of the branch track. July, 2013.

Zoo After passing the shed, the track heads into the petting zoo. I suppose that is a fuel tank. July, 2013.

Crossing Sign/2 Another crossing sign. July, 2013.

The line cleared up and we had to get back on the road before I was able to visit the Casa de Choo Choo. I'd like to go back another time, a little later in the day.

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Last updated 31-August-2011