Golden State Model Railroad Museum

by Joe Thompson

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Golden State Model Railroad Museum, Point Richmond

Golden State Model Railroad Museum, Point Richmond

Colfax A model of the Colfax Southern Pacific station. June, 2010.

We had a weekend adventure: a picnic at George Miller Park and a visit to the Golden State Model Railroad Museum. Saturday is not an operating day, so we got to talk to some of the members and admire the modeling. Standing by the N Scale layout, I remarked that my fingers didn't work on that scale. A member picked up a C Scale freight car and let us handle it. I couldn't imagine being able to get it onto a track.
Colfax A cutaway model of the Sacramento Southern Pacific station. June, 2010.
Oakland A model of the Oakland Southern Pacific station, including the elevated tracks for the Interurban Electric Railway suburban cars. June, 2010.
Oakland Pier A model of the Oakland Pier, with Santa Fe ferry San Pedro in the slip. June, 2010.
Oakland Pier rear A model of the rear of the Oakland Pier. June, 2010.
Wigwags The wig wag signals no longer actively guard the BNSF (ex-Santa Fe) tracks in Point Richmond. June, 2010.

After visiting the museum, we drove through the tunnel and took a walk around Point Richmond.
Indian Statue The second Indian Statue is a feature Point Richmond. In 1984 it replaced the first statue, which was installed in 1909, knocked over by a drunken truck driver in 1943, and sacrificed to a World War II scrap drive. June, 2010.
Old Firehouse The old firehouse in Point Richmond was built in 1910. It is across the street from the old firehouse. June, 2010.
New Firehouse The new firehouse in Point Richmond, Station 61, was built in 1949. June, 2010.

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Copyright 2010 by Joe Thompson. All rights reserved.

Last updated 30-June-2010