If you came to this page from an outside link, you may want to see the Picture of the Month and visit my main page. BackgroundThere are many motorized vehicles running around San Francisco that are referred to as "cable cars". Some are original cable cars; many are not.
Go to top of page. Cal Cable 61 and 62by Walter Rice
In 1947 the movie studio RKO contracted with Cal Cable to borrow a cable car for the movie I Remember Mama (released 1948). It was decided to ship one the short Jones Street shuttle cars, No. 61, since it would be easier to ship than a full size cable car. On June 11, 1947 No. 61 was hoisted aboard a truck and shipped to Los Angeles. The car retained its trucks. No. 61, like all Cal Cable cars at the time, needed paint. A combination of the depression, World War II and an adverse post war economic situation for Cal Cable led to the company’s equipment looking shabby. RKO, accordingly, painted No. 61. It emerged as No. 62! This is clearly shown by a photograph on page 105 of Lucius Beebe and Charles Clegg’s book Cable Car Carnival. Beebe and Clegg wrongly caption the RKO photo by stating that "RKO Studios in Hollywood supply authentic San Francisco atmosphere for the film of I Remember Mama with a real California Street grip." The bottom grip Jones Street shuttles never ran on the side grip California line. In the movie the now No. 62 is signed "O’Farrell, Jones & Hyde Streets." Interesting, since the movie family lived on Steiner Street. They would have to walk 11-blocks to catch a cable car! Why the number change is unclear. Evidence suggests that the car specified in the contract between the movie studio and Cal Cable was No. 62. No. 61 was sent in place of No. 62 after the Cal Cable determined that No. 61 was in better condition. Cal Cable was going to get a freshly painted cable car. The actual reason may never be known. Muni in January 1952 purchased Cal Cable and in early 1954 the renumbered 62 was motorized on truck chassis by Muni for parades, charters and the annual Cable Car Bell-Ringing Contest. At the time it was correctly signed "O’Farrell, Jones & Hyde Streets." The original No. 62 was renumbered to No. 61 painted and placed on rubber tires, but not motorized and shipped during November 1959 to Osaka Japan for display at the Osaka Transportation Museum. Unfortunately, No. 61 was incorrectly signed "Van Ness Ave, California & Market Streets." Subsequently, when now Muni's No. 62 was repainted it was also given this incorrect signage, which is its status today.
A note from Val Lupiz:
A note from Joe Thompson:
Powell Street car 514 went in 1948. Go to top of page. Replica Motorized Cable Cars
Go to top of page. San Francisco Giants' 2012 World Series Ring Ceremony
On Sunday, 07-April-2013, the San Francisco Giants received the rings which marked their victory in the 2012 World Series against the Detroit Tigers. The rings include an image of a cable, and they were delivered to the ballpark by a motorized cable car, carrying people who work on the real cable cars. They included Derek Moore, Jorge Lacayo and Vincent Turnipseed, all gripmen/conductors and conductor Tony Gonzalez. I did some screen captures from a video provided by the Giants.
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Copyright 2005-2010 by Joe Thompson. All rights reserved.
Last updated 01-September-2010