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by Joe Thompson

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    • Beebe, Lucius and Clegg, Charles. Cable Car Carnival. Grahame Hardy, Oakland, CA. 1951. Beebe's unique descriptions of San Francisco transit.
    • Blanchard, Leslie. The Street Railway Era in Seattle. Harold E Cox, Forty Fort, PA. 1968. An excellent survey of Seattle's rail transit history.
    • Burden, Maria Schell. Professor TSC Lowe and his Mountain Railway. Borden Publishing Co, Los Angeles, CA. 1993. About the Mount Lowe Funicular and the remarkable Professor Lowe.
      Check Amazon.Com (includes comments by the author)
    • Burrows, Edwin G and Wallace, Mike. Gotham/A History of New York City to 1898. Oxford University Press, New York, NY. March, 1999. A good general history of the city.
      Check Amazon.Com (includes review)
    • Burton, Virginia Lee. Maybelle the Cable Car. Houghton Mifflin Co, New York, NY. March, 1997. A good children's book.
      Check Amazon.Com (includes review)
    • Cable, Clark (pseud), Halfway to the Stars/Memoirs of a Cable Car Gripman. 1stBooks, CA. 2001. A variety of anecdotes.
      Check Amazon.Com (includes review)
    • Cable Railway Company, Cable Railway Company's System of Traction Rail Ways for Cities and Towns. San Francisco, CA. 1880. What the Trust had to offer.
    • Caen, Herb. The Cable Car & the Dragon. Chronicle Books, San Francisco, CA. March, 1986. A good children's book.
      Check Amazon.Com (includes review)
    • Callwell, Robert and Rice, Walter. Of Cables and Grips: The Cable Cars of San Francisco. Friends of the Cable Car Museum, San Francisco, CA. 2000. An excellent book about cable cars, with many wonderful illustrations.
      Read the text of the second edition on this site.
    • Campbell, Joseph. Funicular Railways/From Angel's Flight to Shasta Springs. Borden Publishing Co, Los Angeles, CA. 1993. California funiculars.
      Check Amazon.Com
    • Demoro, Harre W. The Key Route, Part 1: Transbay Commuting by Train and Ferry (Interurbans Special, 95). Interurban Press, Glendale, CA. 1985.
    • Demoro, Harre W. The Key Route, Part 2: Transbay Commuting by Train and Ferry (Interurbans Special, 97). Interurban Press, Glendale, CA. 1985.
      Good books by a guy who died too young.
      Check Amazon.Com (part 1)
      Check Amazon.Com (part 2)
    • Fairchild, Charles Bryant. Street Railways: Their Construction, Operation and Maintenance. Street Railway Publishing Company, New York, NY. 1892. To quote the subtitle: "A Practical Handbook for Street Railway Men".
      Available at Google Books
    • Fickeworth, Alvin A. California Railroads. Golden West Books, San Marino, CA. 1992. To quote the subtitle: "An Encyclopedia of Cable Car, Common Carrier, Horsecar, Industrial, Interurban, Logging, Monorail, Motor Road, Short Lines, Streetcar, Switching and Terminal Railroads in California (1851-1992)"
      Check Amazon.Com (includes review)
    • Francis, Ric, and Ganley, Colin. Penang Trams, Trolleybuses and Railways. Areca Books, Penang, Malaysia. 2006. A detailed history of public transit in Penang.
    • Guido, Francis A, ed. San Francisco Municipal Railway 5-Year Plan 1979-1984. The Western Railroader Vol 42, San Mateo, CA. March, 1979. Not much of it happened.
    • Hilton, George, The Cable Car in America. Howell-North Books, San Diego, CA. 1982. The one indispensable book. New edition is here!
      Check Amazon.Com
    • Holtzer, Susan, Cable Car Confidential. Caddo Gap Press, San Francisco, CA. 20022. An enjoyable collection of stories from gripmen and conductors
      Check Amazon.Com
    • Jansen, Joyce, San Francisco's Cable Cars. Woodford Press, San Francisco, CA. 1995. Good pictures. A few inaccuracies (nobody's perfect).
      Check Amazon.Com (includes review)
    • Kahn, Edgar M., Cable Car Days in San Francisco. The Friends of the San Francisco Public Library, San Francisco, CA. 1976. A reprint of an enjoyable 1940 book which fell into disfavor because its author did not oppose city plans to get rid of the surviving cable cars.
      Check Amazon.Com
    • Keating, John D, Mind the curve!/A History of the Cable Trams. Melbourne University Press, Kingsgrove. 1970. A thorough history of cable trams in Melbourne.
      Check Amazon.Com
    • LaBounty, Woody, Carville-by-the-Sea, San Francisco's Streetcar Suburb. Outside Lands Media, San Francisco, CA. 2009. A history of the lost San Francisco neighborhood.
      Order the book using the supporting website:
    • McKane, John, Inside Muni. Interurban Press, Glendale, CA. 1982. Description of current operations.
      Check Amazon.Com
    • Neubauer, Eric, Early Pullman Car Freight and Passenger Car Production. Eric A Neubauer, Glendale, CA. 2010. Pullman passenger and freight car production from the 1860s to 1911.
      Eric's Railroad Car History (to order, follow the Eric's Books link)
    • Parker, Frank, Anatomy of the San Francisco Cable Car. James Ladd Delkin, Stanford University, CA. 1946. Beautiful diagrams and explanations
    • Perles, Anthony, The People's Railway. Interurban Press, Glendale, CA. 1981. Interesting stories about attempts to get rid of cable cars.
      Check Amazon.Com
    • Phipps, Mike and Holmgren, Don, Watermusic in the Tracks. Friends of the Cable Car Museum, San Francisco, CA. 2012. A new book with lots of details on the history and workings of San Francisco's cable cars.
      Order from the Friends site
    • Post, Robert C, Street Railways and the Growth of Los Angeles. Golden West Books, San Marino, CA. 1989. A neat book about the development of transit in Los Angeles.
      Check Amazon.Com
    • Rice, Walter, and Echeverria, Emiliano. San Francisco's Cablfornia Street Cable Car/Celebrating a Century and a Quarter of Service. Harold E Cox, Forty Fort, PA. 2003. A good history of Cal Cable.
      Order from the Western Railway Museum
    • Rice, Walter, and Echeverria, Emiliano. San Francisco's Powell Street Cable Cars. Arcadia Publishing, San Francisco, CA. 2005. The first history of the Powell Street lines.
      Order from the Western Railway Museum
    • Siever, Wald. Steam Dummies of San Francisco. The Western Railroader, San Mateo, CA. 1960. An important source.
    • Smallwood, Charles, Miller, De Nevi, The Cable Car Book. Celestial Arts, Millbrae, CA. 1980. A good book by a good man.
      Check Amazon.Com
    • Smallwood, Charles, The White Front Cars of San Francisco (Interurbans Special #44). Interurbans, Glendale, CA. 1978. A good source about the later days of San Francisco lines.
      Check Amazon.Com
    • Smith, J. Bucknall, Hilton, A Treatise Upon Cable or Rope Traction. Owlswick Press, King of Prussia, PA. 1976. A reprint of and commentary upon an 1887 book. As of August, 2000, this book is still available from: Owlswick Press, 123 Crooked Lane, King of Prussia PA 19406-2570. Price as of August, 2000: $14.50.
      Check Amazon.Com
    • Stewart, Graham, The end of the penny section: A history of urban transport in New Zealand. AH and AW Reed, Wellington, NZ. 1973. An enjoyable study of New Zealand history.
    • Stindt, Fred A, San Francisco's Century of Street Cars. Fred A Stindt, Kelseyville, Ca. 1990. A good overview.
      Check Amazon.Com
    • White Jr, John H, Horsecars, Cable Cars and Omnibuses. Dover Publications, Inc, New York, NY. 1974. Builder photos from John Stevenson.
      Check Amazon.Com

    Magazine Articles

    • Clark, Kim, "A premium cable car ride". US News & World Report, July4-11, 2005. The virtues of the California Street line.
    • De Burgraff, G, "Tramway Funiculaire De Belleville". Le Magasin Pittoresque, 1890. A description of a cable car line in Paris.
    • Evans, Charles M, "Air War Over Virginia". Civil War Times, October 1996. Professor Lowe's Civil War service.
    • Fanton, Ben, "View From Above the Battlefield". America's Civil War, September 2001. More about Professor Lowe's Civil War service.
    • Greene, Charles S, "The Parks of San Francisco". Overland monthly and Out West Magazine, Volume 17, Issue 99 - March, 1891. Parks and public transit.
    • Hall, C C, "The Matlock Cable Tramway". Scientific American Supplement, September 1881. Cable cars by the original promoter.
    • Hallidie, Andrew S, "The Wire Rope Street Railways of San Francisco, California". Scientific American Supplement, September 1881. Cable cars by the original promoter.
    • Hogg, Tony, "San Francisco Cable Car -- the gripping tale of an aged compact". Road & Track Magazine, April 1962. A road test of a Powell Street cable car.
    • Hubert Jr, Philip G, "The Cable Street-Railway". Scribner's Magazine, Volume 15, Issue 3, March, 1894. A good overview of cable railway technology.
    • Labourdette, Christina, "Drawing the Line: Streetcars Find New Quarters". New Orleans Magazine, September 1998, volume 32, number 12, page 31. Details the controversy in New Orleans over the exchange of California Street cable number 59 for New Orleans RTA 952.
    • Lanagran, David; Young, Bilione W, "How the Trolleys Came...and Went". MPLS-St Paul Magazine, June 1996, volume 24, number 6, page 58. The history of rail transit in St Paul, Minnesota.
    • Life Magazine staff, "San Franciscans Fight to Keep Historic Cable Cars". Life Magazine, February 24, 1947. The fight to save the cable cars begins.
    • National Geographic staff, "Geographica/Cable Carville Lives On in Memory". National Geographic Magazine, November 1999, volume 196, number 5. A brief item about San Francisco's Carville.
    • San Francisco News-Letter staff, "Market Street Railway Company, Past, Present and Future". San Francisco News-Letter, September 1925. A nice overview of the second Market Street Railway Company.
    • Schwartz, Frederic D, "The Streetcars of San Francisco". American Heritage, September 1998, volume 49, number 5, page 109. A brief description of the beginning of cable car service in 1873.
    • Scientific American staff, "The Los Angeles Cable Railway". Scientific American Supplement, No. 823 -- October 10, 1891. An illustrated description of a large system.
    • Time Magazine staff, "City I Love". Time Magazine, July 15, 1946. Profile of Mayor Roger Lapham.


    • Chamberlin, W D, "Market Street Railway/Notes 1903-1944". Unpublished notes about a long career in engineering and construction for the United Railroads of San Francisco and its successor, the second Market Street Railway.

    Academic and Professional Papers

    • Colam, William Newby, "Cable Tramways", presented on 04-May-1885 before the Society of Engineers. Published in Transactions for 1885, Society of Engineers (London, England).
    • Colam, William Newby, "Edinburgh Northern Cable Tramways", presented on 26-September-1890 before the Incorporated Association of Municipal and County Engineers. Published in The Proceedings of the Incorporated Association of Municipal and County Engineers, Volume XVII, 1890-91.

    Newspaper Articles

  • Baltimore, Maryland
  • Binghamton, New York
  • Brooklyn, New York
  • Dunedin, New Zealand
    • Munro, Bruce, "Proposal to Reinstate High St Cable Car". The Star Midweeker, 21-Nov-2007. A proposal to rebuild the Mornington cable tram line, which had been abandoned in 1957.
    • Letters to the Editor, "City Residents and Businesses back High St Cable Car plan". The Star Midweeker, 28-Nov-2007. Emails and letters to the editor support the revived cable tram.
  • Edinburgh, Scotland
  • Kansas City, Missouri and Kansas
  • Los Angeles, California
    • Anderton, Frances, "Party at the Chemosphere: The Flying Saucer House Soars Again". New York Times, 15-Mar-2001. A house with a private funicular.
    • Associated Press Staff, "Historic LA railway to reopen". San Francisco Chronicle, 10-Mar-2010. Angels Flight may return next month.
    • Chavez, Stephanie and Song, Jason, "Funiculars Still Ply Local Hills". , 04-Feb-2001. Private funiculars and Hillevators in the LA area.
    • DiMassa, Cara Mia, "Rebirth of Angels Flight/Six years after it was closed following a fatal crash, downtown L.A.'s landmark railway is slated to reopen". Los Angeles Times, 24-Jan-2007. The line is being rebuilt; the neighborhood has changed.
    • DiMassa, Cara Mia and Becerra, Hector, "Angels Flight rides again". Los Angeles Times, 15-Mar-2010. Angels Flight back in service.
    • Leovy, Jill, "No Angels Flight--Just 153 Steep, Tiring Stairs; Downtown: Since a fatal crash shut down the funicular railway, many are getting serious workouts, whether they want to or not". Los Angeles Times, 29-Mar-2001. Former customers having a hard time getting up the hill.
    • Leovy, Jill, "Los Angeles; Bunker Hill Trolley Gives Weary Pedestrians a Lift; Transportation: The city leases a bus to temporarily shuttle people up the steep bluff as the future of Angels Flight is weighed". Los Angeles Times, 07-Jul-2001. City arranges for a "trolley" bus to help people up the hill while Angels Flight is closed.
    • Guzmán, Richard, "Official Says Angels Flight to Open April 15". Los Angeles Downtown News, 10-Mar-2010. Angels Flight may return in April.
    • Los Angeles Times Staff, "Court Flight May be Casualty of War Soon". Los Angeles Times, 16-Sep-1942. The problems which killed the Court Flight.
    • Los Angeles Times Staff, "Fire Destroys Antique Autos Used in Films". Los Angeles Times, 05-Feb-1949. The Court Flight cars were among the items lost.
    • Los Angeles Times Staff, "Investigating the Angels Flight Accident". Los Angeles Times, 05-Mar-2001. Passing the buck.
    • Los Angeles Times Staff, "Suit Filed in Angels Flight Crash Death". Los Angeles Times, 27-Mar-2001. Lawsuit names Angels Flight Railway Foundation; Angels Flight Operation Company; Harris and Associates; Tera Design Inc.; Krakower and Associates; Pacific Engineers Group; Sullivan Partnership; Parsons, Brinckerhoff, Quade and Douglas Inc.; Construction Analysts; Law/Crandall Inc; Tri-Star Surveying; Pueblo Contracting Services.
    • Los Angeles Times Staff, "Restore Angels Flight, Again". Los Angeles Times, 05-Jun-2002. Editorial calling for the rebuilding of the line.
    • Malnic, Eric, "Metal Shavings Yield Clues in Crash of Angels Flight". Los Angeles Times, 09-Feb-2001. Slivers of metal found in the drive mechanism.
    • Malnic, Eric, "L.A. Blamed in Death on Angels Flight". Los Angeles Times, 04-Jun-2002. Public utilities panel attributes accident to faulty design and maintenance by the city's redevelopment agency and poor state oversight.
    • McGreevy, Patrick, "Funicular Car Design Had Called for Brakes; Angels Flight: The devices were dropped from the reconstruction plan despite engineers' safety concerns, city records show". Los Angeles Times, 01-Mar-2001. One way to save a dollar.
    • McGreevy, Patrick, "Funicular Checked by PUC Once Since '96; Accident: Inspection last year focused on Angels Flight operator's records, not the actual mechanism. Agency criticized lack of detailed reports". Los Angeles Times, 15-Feb-2001. Operators did not keep good records.
    • O'Connor, Anne-Marie, "Angels Flight Crash Mars Preservationist's Vision". Los Angeles Times, 04-Feb-2001. John H. Welborne's disappointment.
    • Reich, Kenneth, "Injured Widow of Man Killed on Angels Flight Goes Home; Cable car: Badly injured Lola Praport, 80, faces surgery and a long recuperation in New Jersey". Los Angeles Times, 16-Feb-2001. Widow of man killed goes home.
    • Reich, Kenneth, "Family to Sue City, Firms Over Angels Flight Death; Court: The lawyer for Lola Praport says at a memorial service that one aim will be restoring the funicular with safer gear". Los Angeles Times, 16-Mar-2001. Family of man who was killed want the line reopened, but made safer.
    • Reich, Kenneth, "Los Angeles; Mediation Is Sought for Angels Flight Suit". Los Angeles Times, 25-May-2001. Parties in lawsuit seek mediation.
    • Reich, Kenneth, "Angels Flight Is Still Stuck in Park; Railway: Almost 10 months after a fatal collision, some repairs await a federal accident analysis". Los Angeles Times, 24-Nov-2001. Little action so far.
    • Rohrlich, Ted, "Angels Flight Probe Focuses on Cable Spool; Crash: Investigators say a gear or motor that powers the device is probably responsible. Funicular will stay closed until the cause and a correction are found". Los Angeles Times, 03-Feb-2001. Winding sheave part of problem.
    • Shuit, Douglas, "Angels Flight Cars to Be Stored at Warehouse; Railway: The two vehicles are not suspected of causing the fatal accident. Investigators plan to examine a huge gear housing on the funicular". Los Angeles Times, 08-Feb-2001. Cars placed in storage with PUC permission.
    • Shuster, Beth, et al, "1 Killed, 7 Hurt as Cable Fails on Historic Angels Flight Car". Los Angeles Times, 02-Feb-2001. Fatal accident on Angel's Flight.
  • Melbourne, Victoria
    • Adelaide, South Australia Mail Staff, Melbourne's Last Cable Tram Makes Last Trip. Adelaide, South Australia Mail, 26-Oct-1940. The final Melbourne cable tram run.
    • Launceston, Tasmania Examiner Staff, First Cable Tram for Museum. Launceston, Tasmania Examiner, 15-Feb-1939. The first Melbourne cable tram donated for preservation.
    • Melbourne Herald Sun Staff, A piece of 1890 dug up. Melbourne Herald Sun, 28-May-2007. The discovery of cable tram tracks during street renovations.
    • Melbourne, Victoria Argus Staff, Cable Tram for Museum. Melbourne, Victoria Argus, 29-Nov-1940. Melbourne's first cable tram arrives at the museum for preservation.
    • Townsville Daily Bulletin Staff, Last Cable Tram/Final Appearance. Townsville Daily Bulletin, 29-Oct-1940. Another story about the final Melbourne cable tram run.

  • New York, New York
    • Brooklyn Eagle Staff, untitled. Brooklyn Eagle, 10-Oct-1867. "The experimental elevated railway on Greenwich street, New York, (The West Side and Yonkers Patent Railway) will soon be in operation."
    • Brooklyn Eagle Staff, untitled. Brooklyn Eagle, 19-Oct-1867. "...the work on the line in Greenwich street, which appeared to have been abandoned has been resumed..."
    • Brooklyn Eagle Staff, TOPICS OF TO DAY. Brooklyn Eagle, 21-Oct-1867. "The first mile of the elevated railway in Greenwich street, New York, will be completed in three weeks, or about a month..."
    • Brooklyn Eagle Staff, TOPICS OF TO DAY. Brooklyn Eagle, 16-Nov-1867. "The result (of a test on the West Side and Yonkers Patent Railway) was not wholly satisfactory."
    • Brooklyn Eagle Staff, TOPICS OF TO DAY. Brooklyn Eagle, 07-Dec-1867. Workers discover a relic of the Dutch West India Company.
    • Brooklyn Eagle Staff, TOPICS OF TO DAY. Brooklyn Eagle, 28-Dec-1867. "The elevated railroad in Greenwich street will soon be ready for another trial."
    • Brooklyn Eagle Staff, TOPICS OF TO DAY. Brooklyn Eagle, 07-May-1868. "A practical test of the work (on the West Side and Yonkers Patent Railway) has been again and again promised the last year or two and as often postponed."
    • Brooklyn Eagle Staff, TOPICS OF TO DAY. Brooklyn Eagle, 26-Jun-1868. "The time for a trial trip on the elevated street railway in Greenwich street is again fixed."
    • Brooklyn Eagle Staff, TOPICS OF TO DAY. Brooklyn Eagle, 01-Jul-1868. "The long deferred trial of the elevated road on Greenwich street was made the other day..."
    • Brooklyn Eagle Staff, TOPICS OF TO DAY. Brooklyn Eagle, 14-Jul-1868. The West Side and Yonkers Patent Railway "is expected to be finished as far as Thirtieth street by September next."
    • Brooklyn Eagle Staff, untitled. Brooklyn Eagle, 25-Aug-1868. "...there seems to be no prospect of (the West Side and Yonkers Patent Railway) ever being finished..."
    • Brooklyn Eagle Staff, TOPICS OF TO DAY. Brooklyn Eagle, 29-Sep-1868. The West Side and Yonkers Patent Railway is "...regarded by the New York Common Council as a public nuisance..."
    • Brooklyn Eagle Staff, TOPICS OF TO DAY. Brooklyn Eagle, 02-Oct-1868. "The general conclusion, hower, is that if the elevated railway is practicable, the delay in its construction is inexplicable..."
    • Brooklyn Eagle Staff, The Elevated Railroad. Brooklyn Eagle, 08-Dec-1868. The West Side and Yonkers Patent Railway is "evidently a failure."
    • Brooklyn Eagle Staff, TOPICS OF TO DAY. Brooklyn Eagle, 12-May-1869. The West Side and Yonkers Patent Railway "has been a mystery of management and a phenomenon of delay."
    • Brooklyn Eagle Staff, untitled. Brooklyn Eagle, 26-Jul-1869. "The mysterious delay which attends" the West Side and Yonkers Patent Railway.
    • Brooklyn Eagle Staff, The Elevated Railway Purchased by Commodore Vanderbilt. Brooklyn Eagle, 18-Dec-1869. "The Elevated Railway Purchased by Commodore Vanderbilt"
    • Brooklyn Eagle Staff, untitled. Brooklyn Eagle, 11-Feb-1870. "While the elevated railway on Greenwich street is making its way patiently and cautiously from the Battery to Courtlandt street..."
    • Brooklyn Eagle Staff, THE BROADWAY TUNNEL. Brooklyn Eagle, 15-Mar-1870. The "... Beach Pneumatic Tunnel under Broadway is still open for exhibition for the benefit of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphans."
    • Brooklyn Eagle Staff, THE NEWS. Brooklyn Eagle, 17-May-1870. "Two experimental cars on the Elevated Railroad, in Greenwich street, New York ... smashed through the track, and fell to the pavement..."
    • Brooklyn Eagle Staff, THE NEWS. Brooklyn Eagle, 18-May-1870. "The Elevated Railroad has met the fate of Humpty Dumpty..."
    • Brooklyn Eagle Staff, THE NEWS. Brooklyn Eagle, 15-Jun-1870. The West Side and Yonkers Patent Railway is a "dizzy and dangerous road."
    • Brooklyn Eagle Staff, "The Broadway Railroad Cable". Brooklyn Eagle, 05-Apr-1893. Installing the Broadway cable.
    • Brooklyn Eagle Staff, "Cable Cars in Broadway/A Trial Trip to Be Made To-morrow Night". Brooklyn Eagle, 09-May-1893. Looking forward to the first test.
    • Brooklyn Eagle Staff, "First Cable Car on Lower Broadway". Brooklyn Eagle, 10-May-1893. Results of the first test.
    • Brooklyn Eagle Staff, "Surface Transit in Cities (Excerpt)". Brooklyn Eagle, 07-Jul-1893. Early concerns about safety.
    • Trenton Times Staff, "Cable Car Run Amuck". Trenton (New Jersey) Times, 16-Jul-1893. Broadway cable car goes on a rampage.
    • Brooklyn Eagle Staff, "The Trolley On Broadway/To Be Operated in Manhattan in a Week". Brooklyn Eagle, 19-May-1901. Cable cars to be replaced by electrics.
    • Brooklyn Eagle Staff, "No Cars On Broadway/Work of Removing the Cable Began at 8:30 Last Night -- Traffic Stops Until Tuesday". Brooklyn Eagle, 26-May-1901. The transition underway.
    • New York Times Staff, "NEW YORK LOSES ITS LAST HORSE CAR". New York Times, 29-July-1917. The last run of the Bleecker Street line.
  • Oakland, California
    • Oakland Tribune Staff, "Senior-assistance agency works out of Grand edifice ". Oakland Tribune, 12-Apr-1998. About the Clay Burrell remodeled former car house of the Consolidated Piedmont Railway, formerly the Cox Cadillac showroom.
    • Levy, Dan, "Whole Foods setting up shop in Oakland". San Francisco Chronicle, 23-Nov-2004. Whole Foods will occupy part of a new project built in and around the former car house of the Consolidated Piedmont Railway. The article calls the company by the wrong name.
  • Providence, Rhode Island
    • Davis, Karen A, "Cables connect College Hill". Providence Journal-Bulletin, 25-Jan-1999. The story of the Providence Cable Tramway.
  • Saint Paul, Minnesota
    • Orrick, Dave, "Central Corridor excavation unearths relic of St. Paul's first mass-transit system". Saint Paul Pioneer Press, 19-Dec-2009. Workers dig up yoke from Selby Avenue cable car line.
  • Seattle, Washington
  • George Town, Penang, Malaysia
  • Other/Miscellaneous

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    Last updated 01-December-2016