The first Melbourne cable train is preserved at
Scienceworks. Photograph used with
kind permission of Andrew Cox at the
Ballarat Vintage Tramway. Jul, 1998 Picture of
the Month.
I've started this section with a minimum amount of information about
Melbourne's cable trams. I would happily accept any information from
people who know more than I do. Thanks to Peter Vawser for supplying
several useful items.
There must be many people living in Melbourne who still remember the
cable trams.
Melbourne had an extensive network of cable trams, which was remarkably long-lived. Its
longetivity was remarkable because most lines did not have heavy grades.
line: Spencer Street-Richmond
opened: 11-Nov-1885. Spencer from Bourke to Flinders, Flinders to Wellington Parade, Bridge
Road to Hawthorne Bridge
powerhouse: Bridge Road, NE at Hoddle Street. Demolished for a left turn lane.
grip: Single-jaw side grip.
gauge: 4'8 1/2"
cars: dummy & trailer trains. double-ended.
turntables: crossovers
line: North Fitzroy
opened: 02-Oct-1886.
powerhouse: Victoria Parade, NE at Brunswick Street
line: Victoria Bridge
opened: 22-Nov-1886.
powerhouse: Victoria Parade, NE at Brunswick Street
line: Clifton Hill
opened: 10-Aug-1887.
powerhouse: Nicholson Street, SE at Gertrude Street
"What the Gripman Sees." Taken on a Nicholson Street cable dummy. A photo from the
31-March-1939 Melbourne Argus.
line: Nicholson Street
opened: 30-Aug-1887.
powerhouse: Nicholson Street, SE at Gertrude Street
line: Brunswick
opened: 01-Oct-1887.
powerhouse: Brunswick Road, NW at Black Street
line: Johnston Street Bridge (Carlton)
opened: 21-Dec-1887.
powerhouse: Johnston Street, N side near Brunswick Street
line: Brighton Road
opened: 11-Oct-1888.
powerhouse: Saint Kilda Road, SE at Bromby Street
line: Prahran
opened: 26-Oct-1888.
powerhouse: Toorak Road, NW at Chapel Street
line: North Carlton
opened: 09-Feb-1889.
powerhouse: Rathdown Street, SW at Park Street
line: Toorak
opened: 15-Feb-1889.
powerhouse: Toorak Road, NW at Chapel Street
line: North Melbourne
opened: 03-Mar-1890.
powerhouse: Queensberry Street, SW at Abbotsford Street
line: West Melbourne
opened: 18-Apr-1890.
powerhouse: Queensberry Street, SW at Abbotsford Street. Converted into apartments.
line: South Melbourne
opened: 17-Jun-1890.
powerhouse: City Road, S side near Cecil Street
line: Port Melbourne
opened: 20-Jun-1890.
powerhouse: City Road, S side near Cecil Street
line: Windsor-Saint Kilda Esplanade
opened: 17-Oct-1891.
powerhouse: Wellington Street, N side near Marlton Crescent
Independent line
line: Northcote
opened: 18-Feb-1890.
powerhouse: High Street, NE at Martin Street. Now occupied by
Brown's Motors, an automobile service and repair business.
The entire system was operated by one company, the Melbourne Tramways & Omnibus Company.
The first line opened on 11-Nov-1885. The company was founded by Francis Boardman Clapp,
an American emigrant who had purchased the Victorian rights to
Andrew S Hallidie's cable patents.
The local councils of Melbourne formed the Melbourne Tramways Trust to build tracks and
powerhouses for new lines, which were then leased to the Melbourne Tramways & Omnibus Company.
The company also operated connecting horse tram lines. Later, other companies built electric
Engineer George S Duncan, who had built the Roslyn Tramway in
Dunedin, New Zealand, the
first cable tramway outside of San Francisco, was also responsible for the
Melbourne Tramways & Omnibus Company's lines. His brother Alfred Duncan, who had
been the engineer for the
North Sydney cable car line in Sydney, Australia, later
came to work on the Melbourne lines.
The first order of grip cars and trailers was built by the John Stepenson Company of
New York, NY.
The major cable lines survived until the 1920's, after the city formed the Melbourne &
Metropolitan Tramways Board (1919) to consolidate public transit. The first major line to close
was the Windsor-Saint Kilda Esplanade line on 25-Aug-1925. The Richmond
line closed on 29-Jun-1927. Other lines closed until the Great
Depression stalled conversions. The last Melbourne cable tram operated on 26-Oct-1940.
Here are some newspaper articles related to the closing of the cable tram operation:
Northcote was built as an independent line but was eventually taken
over by the Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board.
Portland Cable Trams Inc
has restored a Melbourne cable tram, which it operates with Diesel power. The grip
car is a reproduction, but the trailer, Number 95, is original. They started
service in 2002. The track is 3.7 kilometers.
Mal Rowe took this unique photograph inside the recently uncovered Melbourne cable conduit.
May, 2007. Photo by Mal Rowe. All rights reserved.
In May, 2007, Mal Rowe reported in the
TramsDownUnder Yahoo Group that road work in Abbotsford Street, North
Melbourne had uncovered cable tram tracks of the West Melbourne
line. Mal reported that "The track, the slot, and even a glimpse of the yoke and tunnel are all
there to see. The paving blocks are red-gum blocks ... still in good
condition 70 years after being buried and who knows how long after being
laid!" Thanks to Bill Bolton for pointing out Mal's report. Thanks to Mal for the use
of two of his photographs.
Mal followed up with a report that the section of track may be added to the
Victorian Heritage Register. Some part of it may be conserved.
Mal Rowe took this photograph of cable tram tracks discovered under Abbotsford Street in North
Melbourne. The white stripes, cleaned up by Mal to make them more visible, are marble markers that
signalled the gripman to drop the rope.
May, 2007. Photo by Mal Rowe. All rights reserved.
Visit David Hoadley's
Trams of Australia
for information about all kinds of Australian trams.
Clive Mottram's
Tramway and Trolleybus Images,
has a nice collection of transit-related photos in Australia. Thanks to
Clive for providing some useful information for this article.
There is an interesting site about an existing Australian funicular, the
Katoomba Scenic Railway (which is not in Melbourne).
From Railway World, February, 1898. Volume VII, Number 2.
In our February issue of last year mention was made of the excellent
record of a cable made by Messrs. George Cradock and Company on the
Collins Street line of the Melbourne Tramway and Omnibus Company. The
cable had been in constant service for 52 weeks and 14 days, the speed
being 10 miles per hour. This record was a most creditable one, as the
average length of service of cables previously in use was 16 weeks and
1/3 of a day. We are now informed that one of Messrs. Cradock's ropes has
been working on the Bourke Street line for 90 weeks and 2 days, during
which time it has run 111,712 miles. The rope has now been withdrawn.
Two previous ropes of other makers worked respectively 29 weeks and 1
day, and 35 weeks and 3 days, and the best record hitherto made on this
line is 54 weeks and 66,395 miles. The length of the rope is 18,000 ft.,
with a circumference of 3 3/4 in. It was specially made for cable tramwav
work from Messrs. Cradock and Company's patent improved crucible steel.
Gertrude Street Cable Winding House, photographed in 2001 by Bob Murphy. He believes
the building is still used as Central Control. Thanks to Bob for the
A view of the North Melbourne Winding House, photographed in 2001 by Bob Murphy.
He points out that it emphasizes that trams still run on the old cable routes. This is
an A class tram. Thanks to Bob for the picture.
Another view of the North Melbourne Winding House, Queensberry Street, SW at Abbotsford
Street, photographed in 2001 by Bob Murphy. Thanks to Bob for the
Another view of the North Melbourne Winding House, also photographed in 2001 by Bob Murphy.
Note the stump of the chimney in the rear. Thanks to Bob for the picture.
The North Carlton Winding House, photographed in November, 2008
by Bob Murphy. Bob reports that it "is pretty intact though there is an
apartment house in the centre of the old tramshed. The facade is intact.
The engine house is untouched except for a bitumen floor which is used
for parking by the apartment dwellers. The North Carlton engine house
and tramsheds went into operation on 9 FEB 1889. Unusually there was
only one cable out of that engine house at 13,617' long." Thanks to Bob
for the picture. February, 2009 Picture of the Month.
Another view of the North Carlton Winding House, photographed in
November, 2008 by Bob Murphy. Thanks to Bob for the picture.
Another angle of the North Carlton Winding House, photographed in
November, 2008 by Bob Murphy. Thanks to Bob for the picture.
The North Carlton Tram Shed, next to the Winding House,
photographed in November, 2008 by Bob Murphy. Thanks to Bob for the
The South Yarra Winding House at Toorak Road and Chapel Street. Reports indicate that it will be torn down in
Google Maps Streetview Image updated April 2015. Copyright 2016 Google.
Collins Street with two cable trams. Photographed by William Henry Jackson in 1895.
(Source: World's Transportation Commission Photograph Collection (Library of
Congress) Call Number: LOT 11948, no. 660).
The view from the gripman's position on a Melbourne cable dummy at the Bylands Tram Museum.
Photographed in February, 2006 by Bob Murphy. Thanks to Bob for the picture. All rights reserved.
In February, 2006, Bob Murphy visited the Melbourne Tram Museum in Bylands near Melbourne. The museum is
operated by the Tramway Museum Society of Victoria.
A beautifully preserved Melbourne cable dummy and trailer at the Bylands Tram Museum.
Photographed in February, 2006 by Bob Murphy. Thanks to Bob for the picture. All rights reserved.
A rear 3/4 view of Melbourne cable dummy and trailer 299 at the Bylands Tram Museum. Note 299's
Bombay roof.
Photographed in February, 2006 by Bob Murphy. Thanks to Bob for the picture. All rights reserved.
A closer rear view of Melbourne cable trailer 299 at the Bylands Tram Museum. I like the
colors and lettering used on the rear dash.
Photographed in February, 2006 by Bob Murphy. Thanks to Bob for the picture. All rights reserved.
Car 253 is a replica of a Melbourne cross-bench horse tram, built on an original cable tram truck. The
Zoological Gardens horse tram line operated until 1923. This tram, pulled by horses, was used to
carry guests at Bylands before the electrical overhead was in place.
Photographed in February, 2006 by Bob Murphy. Thanks to Bob for the picture. All rights reserved.
A unique item preserved at the Bylands Tram Museum is this steel wheeled wagon used for hauling
reels of cable from the ship to the cable tramway powerhouse.
Photographed in February, 2006 by Bob Murphy. Thanks to Bob for the picture. All rights reserved.
Another view of the steel wheeled wagon used for hauling
reels of cable from the ship to the cable tramway powerhouse.
Photographed in February, 2006 by Bob Murphy. Thanks to Bob for the picture. All rights reserved.
A real estate ad instructs those interested in the Hoffman Tramway Estate,
Brunswick to "Take Brunswick Electric Tram from
William Street, City, DIRECT TO ESTATE, OR Brunswick Cable Tram, to Corner Sydney Road and
Dawson Street (Brunswick Town Hall)." Melbourne Argus, 03-October-1925.
No thumbnail.
Thanks to Stuart James for sharing this photograph:
"...the man in the middle is Fredrick S. Smith, (my great-grandfather) taken in either the
Gertrude Street or St Kilda Road engine house of the Melbourne Tram and Omnibus Company. It
turned up recently when I was helping my father sort out some old family photos."
Stuart goes on to report that his great-grandfather "...was appointed to Psyche Bend in
Mildura in 1897 as engineer at the pump station. However due to family pressure (no pun
intended) he did not take up this remote position. I have a copy of the letter from Monash
Anderson, Consulting Civil, Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers and Surveyors, dated Feb 12th
1897 confirming, with regret his withdrawal. Before working for the Melbourne Tram and
Omnibus Co. he was employed as engineer by the Insurance Company's Fire Brigade in Melbourne.
He resigned from the tramways when it became clear that the steam and cable era was in decline
(to avoid the indignity of being sacked) and worked for various other firms in Melbourne,
including the Avery Scale Company ... While working at the St Kilda Road winding house and
living in South Yarra he would often walk to and from work through Fawkner Park. The story
goes that he had been threatened on a few occasions by thugs, so reflecting his sea going
back ground, he made up a short truncheon from cable, leather plaited complete with wrist
strap; I am no sure if he ever had to use it or not." Stuart's grandmother gave him the
truncheon. All rights reserved.
A Northcote cable tram rear-ended a bus during rush hour at Bourke and Spring Streets.
(source: Melbourne Argus, 09-March-1928)
Cable tram dummies that one sat in Richmond Park were burned after being damaged by vandals.
(source: Melbourne Argus, 30-May-1928)
The last cable tram on the South Melbourne line was wrecked by the crowd that turned out.
(source: Melbourne Argus, 16-March-1937)
Sydney claims to be the only Australian city to have used horse, steam,
cable, and electric traction.
line: North Sydney
North Sydney cable tram. Smaller version.
Photo courtesy of Ric Francis.
December, 2001 Picture of the Month.
opened: 22-May-1886. Alfred Street from Milsons Point Wharf to Junction, to Blue,
Miller to Ridge Street
extended: 17-Jul-1893. Miller to Falcon Street to Lane Cove Road
(later Pacific Highway) at Crows Nest
powerhouse: Miller and Ridge.
grip: single-jaw side
gauge: 4'8 1/2"
cars: dummy & trailer trains. double-ended. Some trains carried two
turntables: crossovers. Turntable at Miller and Ridge removed
when line was extended.
crossings: N/A
North Sydney ferry terminus at Milsons Point. Cable tram in foreground. Photo courtesy of Ric Francis.
North Sydney cable train. Photo courtesy of Ric Francis.
line: King Street (aka Ocean Street)
King Street cable trams. Photo courtesy of Ric Francis.
opened: 19-Sep-1894. King Street from Darling Harbour, Saint James
Road, College, Boomerang and William Streets, Bayswater Road (outbound) and New South
Head Road to Ocean Street, Edgecliff. Upper William Street South (inbound).
powerhouse: Rushcutter's Bay, adjacent to Rushcutters Bay Park.
grip: single-jaw side
gauge: 4'8 1/2"
cars: dummy & trailer trains. double-ended. Grip cars and trailers
carried air brakes starting in 1895. The compressor was driven off of
the axle of the grip car.
turntables: crossovers
crossings: N/A
notes: Melbourne had a comprehensive system of cable tramways,
but Sydney had two isolated lines in places where no other form of traction
was practical.
The North Sydney line connected the township with the main ferry wharf
for the North Shore, climbing a steep rise from the waterfront. The severity
of the grade led to the choice of cable traction rather than steam or
"The North Shore cable tramway was formally opened yesterday by His Excellency
Lord Carrington with considerable ceremony, the proceedings being witnessed by
several thousand spectators. The new line is about a mile and a half in length,
extending from Molson's Point to the St. Leonards public reserve. The event is
one of considerable importance, not only because ot the improved facilities it
gives for communication in the rapidly growing suburb of North Shore, but also
because it marks the introduction of a new system of locomotion, this being the
first cable tramway opened in the colony."
-- North Sydney Line Opens (Melbourne Argus,
Monday, May 24 1886)
George S Duncan's brother Alfred, also an engineer,
worked on the North Sydney system.
From the Sydney Morning Herald, 22-October-1886.
From the Sydney Morning Herald, 23-October-1886.
The cable line operated successfully, but the Depot to Crows
Nest extension was converted to electricity in 1898,
and the rest of the line to Milsons Point on 10-Feb-1900. 13 North Sydney
grip cars and 6 trailers were transferred to the King Street line. Five
of the grip cars were converted to use the King Street grip and the rest
were converted to be open trailers. Seven more trailers were transferred
in 1903.
A fly-wheel for the Ocean Street cable tramway, at the Hudson Brothers' Works in
Clyde. I like the dude in the bowler. from "Sydney's New Tramway.
The Ocean-Street Cable Line.", Australian Town and Country Journal, 11-August-1894.
December, 2011 Picture of the Month.
The interior of the powerhouse of the Ocean Street cable tram line. From "Cable Trams
in Sydney.", Australian Town and Country Journal, 06-July-1895.
In 1890, when a new tram line was proposed along King Street to replace a horse omnibus,
there was some controversy about what form of traction it should use. It was
argued that electric lines were cheaper to build, but others argued that electric
traction was still in an experimental stage, and that poles supporting the trolley wires
would block the street. On the other hand, cable traction had proved its worth in
Melbourne and North Sydney.
From The Street Railway Journal, November, 1893. Volume IX, Number 11.
The new cable line in Ocean Street, Sydney, New South Wales, has just been completed.
"The new cable tramway from Erskine-street, Darling Harbor, to Ocean-street,
Woollahra, a distance of about two miles, was opened for traffic to-day. The line,
which traverses King-street and opens up the eastern suburbs around the harbor,
has been a very costly one, £160,000 having been expended upon it."
-- Sydney/King Street Line Opens (Adelaide Advertiser,
Thursday, September 20, 1894)
King Street grip cars and trailers were fitted with air brakes soon after the line
opened in 1895. Reservoirs were recharged by compressors driven by the wheels.
In 1898, the speed of the King Street City (inner) cable increased from 8 to 9 miles
per hour. Speed changes were not a common occurence in the industry, as it required
modifications to the driving equipment.
An electric line to Rose Bay connected with the King Street cable line.
The cable cars hauled the electric cars to Darling Harbour. King Street
was electrified by March, 1903, but the last cable tram did not run until
14-Jan-1905 because of extensive tests to make sure that electric operation
was safe on the gradients, and delays in the delivery of new electric equipment.
The Ultimo powerhouse supplied many of the electric lines that replaced Sydney's cable tram lines. From
"The Sydney, Australia, Tramway System.", The Electrical World and Enginee4, 06-December-1902.
The Ballarat Vintage Tramway preserves
car 12. Car 12 started life as North Sydney cable trailer 18. The
Electric Supply Company of Victoria purchased 12 trailers in
1905 and had them rebuilt as electric single-truck California cars.
Car 12 retired by 1935 and became part of a home. She was rescued
in 1990 and is under restoration.
Thanks to Ric Francis and Bill Bolton for providing photos
and information for this article.
I'm still collecting information about Dunedin cable trams,
so I thought I would throw in a couple of pictures to tide me
over. Dunedin is important because it had both the first and
the last Hallidie-type cable trams outside of San Francisco.
opened: 24-February-1881. Rattray Street from MacLaggan Street to Highgate
extended: ??-???-1900. Rattray Street from MacLaggan Street to Princess Street.
extended: ??-Aug-1906. Highgate to Frasers Road
powerhouse: At Highgate. Replaced by powerhouse in the Kaikorai Valley.
Replaced by new powerhouse at Highgate
grip: Single-jaw side grip, wheel operated. Later lever operated.
gauge: 3'6"
cars: open dummies with one glassed-in end, double-ended. Also a coal car and
a water car to supply powerhouse.
turntables: crossovers
A Roslyn cable tram near the pull curve next to Saint Joseph's Cathedral.
February, 2006 Picture of the Month.
The Roslyn Tramway was the first Hallidie-type cable tramway built outside of
San Francisco.
Partners John Reid and George S Duncan promoted a cable tramway for several years
before they could get it built.
(Source: Otago Daily Times, 14-February-1879)
The prospectus offers 5,000 shares at £2 each.
(Source: Dunedin Evening Star, 15-April-1880)
Reid and Duncan solicited tenders for various parts of the work on the tramway.
(Source: Dunedin Evening Star, 04-October-1880)
Testing of a section of the line was underway by early February, 1881.
(Source: Otago Witness, 05-February-1881)
"The greatest difficulty experienced as yet is getting the points to work properly..." The line was built with a single
track with passing loops. If the points (switches to Americans) didn't work, the line didn't work.
(Source: Otago Daily Times, 07-February-1881)
By mid-February, the company was advertising for employees. "Dummy Engineers" would be called gripmen.
(Source: Otago Daily Times, 16-February-1881)
David Proudfoot built a horsedrawn tram line in Dunedin in 1879.
(Source: Otago Daily Times, 16-February-1881)
By February 19, the tramway was completed "and works both up-hill and down in a very satisfactory manner."
Otago Daily Times, 19-February-1881
An advertisement announces that Dunedin New Zealand's Roslyn Tramway has started service
(Source: Dunedin Evening Star, 24-February-1881). January, 2016 Picture of the Month.
Passengers were riding the cars and paying 3 Pence.
(Source: Otago Daily Times, 25-February-1881)
The tramway was important to real estate development.
(Source: Dunedin Evening Star, 05-March-1881)
By March, the line was carrying 1000 passengers each day.
(Source: Clutha Leader, 18-March-1881)
The advantage of these Rooms is that they are "opposite Roslyn tram terminus."
(Source: Otago Daily Times, 09-April-1881)
Its engineer, George S
Duncan, created two important devices: the pull curve and the slot brake. The pull curve
allowed cars to climb the curve by Saint Joseph's Cathedral. The slot brake allowed cars to
descend the steep hills more safely. (See How Do Cable Cars Work?
for more information)
The line was built as a single track with passing loops. The down-bound cars dropped rope
and coasted through the passing loops. The line was double-tracked in 1884. The cable ran at
7.95 miles per hour.
The line was replaced by buses on 26-October-1951.
Roslyn cable tram 95. Photo by Peter Ehrlich. All rights reserved.
September, 2005 Picture of the Month.
In May, 2005 Peter Ehrlich, recently retired Muni motorman, visited
Australia and New Zealand. At the
Ferrymead Heritage Museum, he found Roslyn cable tram number 95,
from Dunedin.
Another view of Roslyn cable tram 95. Photo by Peter Ehrlich. All rights reserved.
cars: open dummies with one glassed-in end, double-ended. Also a coal car and
a water car to supply powerhouse.
turntables: crossovers
The Mornington Tramway's opening date is proposed.
(Source: Hawke's Bay Herald, 08-February-1883)
The Mornington Tramway's cars were tested on the Roslyn tramway.
(Source: Hawke's Bay Herald, 08-February-1883)
The Mornington Tramway's cable is installed.
(Source: Dunedin Evening Star, 07-March-1883)
The Mornington Tramway was successfully tested.
(Source: Dunedin Evening Star, 07-March-1883)
The Mornington Tramway started service.
(Source: Otago Daily Times, 21-March-1883)
An ad says that the Mornington Tramway has started service "TO-DAY". The same ad appeared on two other pages.
(Source: Otago Daily Times, 21-March-1883)
A 10-February-1903 fire destroyed the winding house and all the rolling stock of the line but one car.
(Source: Otago Witness, 18-February-1903)
The only car that survived the fire of 10-February-1903.
(Source: Otago Witness, 18-February-1903)
February, 2016 Picture of the Month.
The Mornington Tramway was the last Hallidie-type cable tramway to operate outside of San Francisco, closing
on 02-March-1957.
The Friends of Ferrymead Tramway are restoring a Mornington tramway grip tram and trailer. One day they may
operate on the restored Mornington line.
Update 01-December-2016: The Dunedin Heritage Light Rail Trust has proposed a project with
four steps to revive cable traction in Dunedin, New Zealand, the
first and last city outside of San Francisco to have Hallidie-type
cable car lines.
Step one would be to build a temporary museum in Mornington Park.
The museum would house three Dunedin cable trams, one from the
Mornington Tramway and
two from the Roslyn Tramway.
One of the Roslyn trams will be restored onsite. There
will be a track that extends outside so people can view
one of the trams and climb on it.
The remaining steps would build a 1.5km line on the High Street
with a terminal and powerhouse in the park. Original cable
trams would be used as rolling stock.
Update 01-July-2018: Thank you to Mac Gardner for providing this information.
Thanks to Mac Gardner, here is a future view of the temporary museum being built near the former terminal of Dunedin's
Mornington Line. It will display two cable trams and a trailer. All rights reserved. July, 2018 Picture of the Month.
The Dunedin Heritage Light Rail Trust and the High Street Cable Car
Society are advancing a project with four steps to revive cable traction
in Dunedin, New Zealand, the first and last city outside of San
Francisco to have Hallidie-type cable car lines.
Step one is to build an Interim Cable Car Building in Mornington Park.
This temporary museum would house two Dunedin cable trams and a trailer, the trailer from the
Mornington Tramway and
Two trams from the Roslyn Tramway.
One of the Roslyn trams will be restored onsite. There
will be tracks that extend outside so people can view
one of the trams and climb on it. The work started in October, 2017.
An article from the 31-October-2016 Otago Daily Times.
I wish great success to the Dunedin Heritage Light Rail Trust and the High Street Cable Car
The Trust has published a beautiful 2021 calendar with photos of the original Dunedin cable trams in operation
and photos of the historic cars restored in 2020. If you would
like to buy a copy of the calendar, it is available on their website.
Update 01-June-2021.
Bus Driver Nick has posted
a nice video about a visit to the Interim Cable Car Building in Mornington Park. Thank you to Bus Driver Nick for letting
me share his video.
A 2022 map showing how to use public transit to reach the Interim Cable Car Building in Mornington Park.
Otago Daily Times, 11-March-1885.
As the system of cable traction as applied to city railroading is at
the present time attracting considerable interest throughout the large
cities of the world, a brief sketch of the progress of this invention
may prove of interest to our readers. The system of cable traction for
cities was invented by Mr Hallidie, of San Francisco, where the first
lino was built in 1873, and since that time four other lines have been
constructed and are running regularly, with great financial success; while
at present two other lines are being built and several others projected
in San Francisco. In Chicago the transforming of about five miles
doubletrack horse-tramway into cable was completed some time since, and
the success attending the running of this trial portion has induced the
converting of all the horse-tracks into cable lines. Throughout the
United States, the cities of Philadelphia, Cincinnati, Providence, and
New York are now arranging to lay down a system of cable lines. In
London a cable tram is mow running on Highgate Hill, and the extension
to Hampstead Hill will follow. The system is thought so favourably of in
London that a large and influential company have purchased the patent
rights for the United kingdom from Mr Hallidie, at a cost of £70,000,
and intend arranging for the laying down nf cable trains throughout
Great Britain. In New Zealand we have the Roslyn and Mornington lines
being the first built out of San Francisco, while several lines are
projected in this Colony and Australia.
From careful comparisons, taken
from actual work in San Francisco, it is shown that the difference In
working expenses is vastly in favour of cable traction. On a cable and
horse tramway three mlles in length, double track (cable running six
miles per hour, against an average of four milea and a half per hour on
tbe horse-line), and allowing interest on cost of construction and
equipment at 6 per cent. per annum, there is a saving in favour of
cable traction of 57 per cent.
The Hornington tramway ia a cable railway, constructed under
Hallidie's system, is of 3ft 6in gauge, and built with a double track.
The city terminus is at tho intersection of High and Princes streets,
from which point it runs up High street, crossing tho Town Belt, aud
terminates at Maryhill terrace, Hornington. The length of the main line
is one mile, with a total vertical rise of 130 ft. The gradients
traversed range from the level up to l in 6 1/4. The portion through the city
is built in a straight line, and on entering the Town Belt tho line is
deflected by a curve, having a radius of 264ft, and runs thence in a
line parallel with Eglinton road to the terminus, where the car and
engine-bouses are located on the property of tho Company. The extension
line is half a mile in length, and overcomes grades of 1 in 3 3/4.
The cable by which the cars are propelled is manufactured from thw
best cruciblo steel. It is 3in in circumference, built of six strands,
consisting in tho aggregate of 114 wires. It was costructed undor the
supervision of Mr Hallidie's representative in London, and is laid up in
a perfect manner. The cable in carried on the straight portions of the
line by means of cast-iron sheaves about 11in in diameter, placed 30ft
apart, and at the city terminus turns round a terminal sheave 10ft In
diameter. This terminal is mounted on a self-adjusting malleable-iron
bogle, to which a tension gear of about two tons is attached, and by
this means a steady strain is always kept on the cable. At the
Mornington terminus the rope is deflected at right angles by two 8ft
sheaves into the enginehouso, and, after passing over the driving-clip
pulleys, undorgoes a further process of tension before again passing
into the street. At the crown of all streets where there are heavy down
grades, large sheaves are provided, and the rope is kept down on rising
gradients by means of depression-pulleys running about lin below tho
street level. The tube, or rope-tunnel, is built throughout in a very
substantial manner, the contractors being Messers Edgar and Co. The
portion from Clarke street downwards consists entirely of concrate and
iron, and the roadway between the rails and stone curbs is laid in
cement. From Clarke street upwards tho tube is built of concrete, iron,
and timber, the timber portion being easily removed and replaced at a
small cost in after years when it is found necessary.
At the city
terminus the tracks converge, and are connected by a siding; and here
much difficulty was experienced in construction, and considerable
ingenuity is displayed in the arrangement of the various mechanical
contrivances. At the Mornington terminus the lines are connected by a
The engine and car-houses aro located at tho Mornington
terminus of the main line. The building measures 120ft by 60ft, and is
built in two storeys, the upper portion being used exclusively for the
cars, while the lower storey gives a roomy engine and boiler-house.
The engines which supply the inothe power are of the high-pressure
horizontal type --three in number-- cylinders 13in in diameter and 27in
stroke. They are fitted with Hartnell's patent automatic expansion gear,
and are capable of working up to a maximum of 79 h.p. each. The steam is
supplied by two boilers 10ft by 4ft 3in, of tho multitubular cylindrical
pattern; and tho connection between engines and boilers, together with
the system pf heating the water, is very complete. At present only two
engines are used; the other is held in reserve in case of repairs being
required. The engines and boilers were constructed by Messrs Marshall
and Sons, of Kngland.
The driving gear is very complete and substantial,
and was turned out by Messrs Kincaid, M'Queen, and Co., of this city.
Provision was made for attaching the necessary driving gear for the
extension, so that no stoppage of traffic was necessary while this
work was being effected. A notable feature in the system of driving is
the "take-up," by mpans of which the slack of the rope is taken up from
time to time, thus avoiding the cutting and re-splicing of the rope when
the tension-sheave has exhausted its travel at the city terminus.
The dummy-cars were manufactured by Messrs Cossons and Black, and the
excellent workmanship throughout reflects much credit on that firm. The
grips and brakes are worked entirely by levers, and are so simple in
application that any risk of accident is reduced to almost an
An important detail in the construction is the water
supply for tha engines. This is effected by means of a plunger pump,
located near Alva street. The pump is driven by the wire rope, and the
power is taken off the up and down rope and transmitted to the pump by a
simple mechanical arrangement. The water is pumped up a vertical height
of 120 ft, and for a length of about 2000 ft. It is delivered in the
engine-house at the rate of 36O gallons per minute. This work was
carried out by Messrs A. and T. Burt; and it will effect a material
savlng in the working expenses.
The city and extension termini and engine-houee are connected by
It is worthy of note that, excepting the supply of rails, wire rope,
and ordinary cars, the whole of the work has been carried out locally.
An 1895 view of Maryhill Tramway car 9 with unusual roof
and windows. Photograph by William Henry Jackson.
Thanks to Len Foley for pointing out that this was the
Maryhill and not the Roslyn line.
(Source: World's Transportation Commission Photograph Collection - Library of
Congress. CALL NUMBER - LOT 11948, no. 688 ).
March, 2016 Picture of the Month.
line: Glenpark Avenue
opened: 05-March-1885. Glenpark Avenue from powerhouse
powerhouse: Eglinton Road.
grip: Single-jaw side grip, lever operated.
gauge: 3'6"
cars: two open dummies burned in the powerhouse fire in 1903. Replaced by a single car.
turntables: crossovers
The line's roller coaster profile led people to call it "The Big Dipper."
The line closed on 29-October-1955.
Another 1895 view of Maryhill Tramway car 9 with the members of the World
Transportation Commission. (Source: World's Transportation Commission
Photograph Collection - Library of Congress. CALL NUMBER - LOT 11948, no. 686)
"...the car descends the steepest grade in the world."
(Source: Timaru Herald, 06-March-1885)
"The Mornington extension tramway-line was formally opened yesterday afternoon ... The visitors made a very satisfactory trip along
the newly laid line..."
(Source: Otago Daily Times, 11-March-1885)
Otago Daily Times, 11-March-1885.
Yesterday afternoon was fixed for the formal opening of the
newly-completed Mornington extension tramway-line, and a number of
gentlemen by invitation of the directors proceeded to Mornington at 2
o'clock. The directors of the Company present were: Messrs H. Bastings,
J. Hazlett, N. Y. A. Wales, G. Penwick, J. E. Denniston, and W. Watson;
also Messrs J. Bathgate, L. O. Beal, J. C. Brown, M.H.R., J. Mitchell,
T. Brown, J. Mills, Mackenzie (Colonial Bank), and Grant (railway
traffic manager).
The visitors were conveyed in detachments along the
extension line, and on their return to the engine-shed the following
toasts were proposed:--
Mr H. BASTINGS, chairman of directors, asked
those present to drink prosperity and success to the Mornington Tramway
Company. Up to that time there had been no formal opening of the line,
the directors, as men of business, being actuated by the feeling that it
would be supeifluous to expend any of the shareholders' money in an
elaborate ceremony. But he did think that, having now completed that
extension, it was only right to place on record before the public that
in this part of the world we had established a cable tramway system
which, he might say without egotism, was the greatest undertaking of its
kind in the world.--(Hear.) He might say that the grade --one in three and
a-half--was steeper than had been attempted anywhere else. The speaker
had travelled through Victoria and New South Wales, and saw that, so far
as tramways were concerned, both these great countries were at least 25
years behind New Zealand. This showed the energy that existed in this
city, and he was sure the result would be that the line would prove a
paying one. It was thought by many people mere folly to construct a line
up High street --that there was not enough traffic. But they had found
during the last two years that if all the cabs and conveyances in the
city bad been put upon High street it would have been impossible for
them to carry up to Mornington the number that the Company had carried.
They had carried an average per week of 8000 people, and he was happy
to say that the traffic had increased, and the returns for the last
three months exceeded considerably those for the corresponding three
months of the previous year. The Company would no doubt, there fore, be
able to pay in the future, as in the past, a dividend of 10 per cent,
to its shareholders. On March 21,1883, the original line was opened, and
since then they had never had even one hour's stoppage, nor the
slightest accident. There was a theory that it was necessary to have two
ropes for working such a line, but the Company had found themselves
always able between midnight and the hour for commencement next morning
to insert a new rope, so that no stoppage of the traffic need be ever
anticipated. As far as fares were concerned, the directors, with due
regard to the interests of the shareholders, had brought down the price
to tho minimum--viz., return ticket from the Grand Hotel to Maryhill
sixpence; and he thought everyone would admit that the directors had
acted with public spirit in endeavouring to allow the public to travel
as cheaply aB possible. Although they were anxious to get a dividend for
the shareholders, they know this could only be done by catering properly
for the public, and bringing the cost of travelling down to a minimum.
It would not be right if he concluded without remarking that the success
of this undertaking was due in a great measure to the very spirited firm
of Reid and Duncans.--(Hear.) One member of that firm, Mr George Duncan,
who, as they knew, was the engineer of that line, had made the cable
tramway system his special study, and had travelled over nearly the
whole world to see what improvements had been made in the system. His
hearers must, with him, be proud to know that Mr George Duncan, who had
grown up amongst them, was now carrying out in Melbourne one of the
largest systems of trams in the world. The length of that system would
be 64 miles, and it would cost upwards of a million of money. For
himself, as chairman of the Company, he felt proud at the completion and
succees of the present work, which did infinite credit to the community,
and he hoped that it would prove only the introduction to many more like
it through the length and breadth of New Zealand.--(Applause;)
Mr N. Y. A. WALES, who was entrusted with the toast of "The Mayor and Corporation
of Dunedin," said he was pleased to agree with Mr Bastings' reference to
tho engineering arrangements of that line, and wished to congratulate
the firm which had carried it out. He was not going to let it go forth,
though, that this was the only tramway Mr George Duncan had constructed.
His maiden effort was the Roslyn line, and while the speaker did not
envy the Mornington Company their success, he thought Mr George Duncan
had gained his laurels first in the construction of the Roslyn line, and
he heartily congratulated him. In proposing the toast entrusted to him,
he might say that it was possible to travel in all parts of the world
and find few cities to compare with Dunedin as regarded the work done in
improving the streets and beautifying the surroundings. This was due in a
great measure to the men whom we had elected to the Council during the
last few years;
Cr ESTHER returned thanks, briefly apologising for the
absence of the Mayor.
Cr SPEDDING also replied, saying that he hoped in a
few years to see similar tram-lines carried through the whole city. The
city itself would reap a great advantage from this, and the Council
should give every help to the various companies, because the result
would be a general increase in the value of property in the
municipality, and this would tend to the advantage of the borough as
well as of property-owners by increasing the rates.
said he had been asked to propose "The Health of the Mayor and
Councillors of the Borough of Mornington he supposed, on account of his
being a director of the Company, an inhabitant of the borough, and an
ex-member of the municipal body. In all such undertakings as this the
Company and the Corporation were dependent upon each other, nnd he
thought in the present case the Company and the Corporation had been
mutually satisfied. The Corporation had been frank and liberal on the
one hand, and on the other he thought they would admit that the Company
had fully "implemented"--to use a Scotch phrase-- the agreement with them.
There had been some small delay in completing the work, but considering
all things it had been carried out quickly and efficiently, and the
Corporation had not been too ready to insist upon details, The speaker
did not wish to be egotistical, but he would venture to claim some
credit for having seen what he might term the strategical importance of
the spot on which they then stood as the point to which the line should
be brought, and then carried right through along the only straight piece
of road in Mornington. This was a red-letter day for the borougb, and
one to which, as a burgess, he had looked forward. Tho line now
completed linked the remotest corners of the borough with the centre of
the city, and it made them scarcely a borough, but a part of the city so
far as communication was concerned. He was sure they would all look back
to it as inaugurating a new era for Morningtou, which he claimed was the
best, most salubrious and charming borough in the place, --(Mr Wales: "Next
to Roslyn.") The speaker made no exception at all. In proposing the
toast he expressed a hope that the Company would maintain the same
friendly relations with the Corporation that they had done so far.
Cr NICOLSON, in the absence of the Mayor, returned thanks, and said
he was sure the opening of the line would add importance to the borough,
and greatly enhance the value of property.
Mr George FENWICK said that as a member of the board of management of
the Mornington Tramway Company, he had been asked to propose a toast
which he felt sure would meet with very cordial acceptance--the health
of the engineers, Messrs Reid and Duncans, and the Company's retiring
manager, Mr J. W. Duncan. It gave him extreme pleasure to speak in
commendatory terms of the great assiduity, carefulness, end faithfulness
that had characterised Mr Duncan in the discharge of his duties during
the whole period of his connection with the Company. The success
achieved was due to him in a great measure, by reason of his care for
every detail at the first starting of the Company. Then to his brother,
Mr George Duncan, who as engineer of the line had displayed such special
aptitude for this class of work, was due, as Mr Bastings had justly
said, a large share of credit for the efforts which had mado that line
at once the best-constructed and the best-managed cable tramway in the
world, They all knew that America was the home of this cable-tramway
system. Mr George Duncan had made a special visit to America, had seen
how the system was best applicable to Dunedin, and had at once brought
his practical knowledge to bear, and by the assistance of his partner
the line bad been initiated and brought to a successful termination. Mr
Bastings, in referring to Mr George Duncan, had said that he was now
engineer to an undertaking for the construction of one of the largest
cable-tramway systems in the world. This could not but be gratifying to
all of them, but to the speaker it was particularly gratifying that one
of our younger citizens, with whom he had been associated at school
here, should now be engineer for so important an undertaking. Then there
followed the fact that Mr Jas. Duncan was associated with Mr Bastings in
another very important enterprise, they having entered into an
arrangement to construct a cable-tramway in Sydney. The Melbourne system
was to cost a million of money, but, if the speaker was not mistakon,
before the New South Wales people had done, theirs would cost perhaps a
million and a half or two millions. They did things on a large scale over
there, and although it was only a mile and a half of line that Messrs
Bastings and Duncan were about to contract at present, the system would,
he had no doubt, in the end be extended to the suburbs. The large
population of the place was certainly capable of supporting such an
enterprise. There was only one thing further to mention. The extension
tramway upon which they had just made such a successful trip was left in
charge of Mr Alfred Duncan, who, although young, bad displayed almost as
great capacity as his brothers. Mr George Duncan had prepared the plans,
and he left them in the hands of a very capable assistant indeed when
his younger brother took them over.
Mr REID, in responding to the toast on behalf of the firm, said that
whilst he naturally co-operated with his partners, the whole credit of
the cable tramways rested with Messrs Duncan. Since the construction of
the Mornington tramway the Roslyn line had been lookad on by some as a
very paltry affair, but he wished, in justice to his partners, to say
that he considered the Roslyn line really the engineering feat. Before
its construction three things were held essential by the patentees of
the system--first, a double line, one up and one down; second, that the
line must be straight; and third, that whatever the subsequent grade,
there must be a little level starting-place. As they knew, Mr George
Duncan had constructed the Roslyn line without any of these conditions,
and it might be mentioned that since its completion Messrs Hallidie had
asked permission to patent certain of his details.
proposed health and prosperity to the Roslyn Tramway Company, coupling
the name of Mr A. C. Begg with the toast.
Mr BEGG, in responding, said
he quite admitted that the Mornington line was more elaborate than
theirs, but it must not be forgotten that tho Roslyn Company were the
pioneers of the cable-tramway system, not only in New Zealand but in the
Australasian Colonies. The Roslyn line was the first constructed out of
America, and the Mornington Company had, of course, benefited by their
experience. The Roslyn Company did not grudge this, but still they had
been left to bear tho brunt and the expense of experiments which the
Mornington Company had benefited.
Mr BASTINGS proposed the health of the
Company's employes, coupled with the name of Mr Forsyth, who was
succeeding Mr James Duncan, the late manager and
Mr FORSYTH briefly replied.
Mr HAZLETT proposed the health of Mr Bastings, their late
chairman, who was about to leave for Sydney, and who, if he displayed
the same energy there that he had done in Dunedin, would do well for the
works in contemplation, and also for himself.
returning, thanks, said he should return to Dunedin as soon as he
possibly could.
The proceedings then terminated, and the party returned
to town.
A Kaikorai cable tram crests a hill. Note the pram hooked to the front dash.
(Source: The Kaikorai Cable Tram. Amateur film
by William Hood Davidson, 1947. Hocken Collections.)
May, 2016 Picture of the Month.
line: Stuart Street
opened: 06-October-1900. Stuart Street at the Octagon to
powerhouse: Eglinton Road.
grip: Single-jaw side grip, lever operated.
gauge: 3'6"
cars: Combination cars at one time. Later dummy and trailer trains.
turntables: Nairn Street to switch trams into shed. Crossovers at terminals.
The Kaikorai Tramway's Stuart Street line paralleled the Roslyn Tramway's Rattray Street line.
The line closed on 31-July-1947.
Construction of the Kaikorai Tramway was underway in October, 1899.
(Source: Otago Witness, 19-October-1899)
An ad calls for an experienced platelayer, a person who lays and maintains tracks.
(Source: Dunedin Evening Star, 23-October-1899)
By late January, the Kaikorai tramway was nearly complete. The note about the borough taking over the tramways is interesting.
(Source: Bruce Herald, 23-January-1900)
The Kaikorai tramway was nearly complete to the outer terminal. The equipment was on order.
(Source: Otago Witness, 25-January-1900)
The Kaikorai tramway was estimated to be a month away.
(Source: Otago Daily Times, 14-August-1900)
The Trinity Weslyan Church on Stuart Street.
The trustees of the Trinity Weslyan Church on Stuart Street were opposed to the company's plan to operate trams on the Sabbath.
(Source: Dunedin Evening Star, 03-September-1900)
Cable laying was underway in mid-September.
(Source: Dunedin Evening Star, 17-September-1900)
More about cable laying. The original cars for the line are described as combination cars rather than dummy and trailer trains.
(Source: Otago Daily Times, 18-September-1900)
Cable laying was complete and the cable was spliced.
(Source: Dunedin Evening Star, 22-September-1900)
The tramway machinery was being tested.
(Source: Otago Daily Times, 25-September-1900)
A tramway car was being tested.
(Source: Otago Daily Times, 28-September-1900)
An ad says the tramway is complete and will be open after government inspection.
(Source: Otago Daily Times, 11-October-1900)
Otago Daily Times, 24-October-1900.
The formal opening of the Dunedin and Kaikorai tramway line took
place on the 9th. inst. About 40 gentlemen attended at the power house,
at the invitation of Mr E. Roberts, the engineer, and among them were
Messrs H. V. Haddock, A. Sligo, C. Tilburn, J. Wright, and E. A. Smith
(directors of tho Dunedin and Kaikorai Tram Company), the Mayor of
Dunedin (Mr R. Chisholm), Crs Sim, Wodderspoon, and Kemnitz
(representing the Roslyn Borough Council), Messrs J. Roberts, R. Hudson,
D. R. Bunson, J. Ryley, A. H. Burton, R. B. Denniston, C. Watt, Mirams
(city surveyor), Morrison, Weatherall, Pool, James, Ferry, Loudon, and
LiddelL Most of the company were conveyed to the power house from the
Octagon by the Tram Company's cars, and, after the visitors had
inspected the machinery, a number of toasts, including "The Queen,"
"Local Bodies", (proposed by Mr A. H. Burton, and responded to by the
Mayor of Dunedin, Mr R. Chisholm, and Cr Kemnitz, of the Roslyn Borough
Council), "The Engineer" (proposed by Mr A. Sligo), "The Contractors"
(proposed by Mr E. Roberts, and responded to by Messrs Ferry, Poole, W.
Burt, James, and Mark Sinclair), '"The Chairman and Directors"
(proposed by Mr John Ryley and acknowledged by Mr Haddock), and "The
Visitors" (proposed by Mr J. Wright and replied to by Mr J. Roberts).
Mr E. Roberts, in giving a short history of the undertaking, said it was
as far back as December, 1894, that the first meeting was held between
Mr John Wright, Mr Park, and himself as to the prospects of starting a
line to Roslyn. After that a public meeting was held, at which the
idea was enthusiastically supported. In 1895 the first meeting of
shareholders was held. After the incorporation of the company a very
long delay ensued. The public looked askance at the matter. The
directors, however, managed to keep the ball rolling, and in 1897 they
managed to finally get through with the concessions. He (the speaker)
subsequently went to Sydney and Melbourne to acquaint himself with the
latest tramway matters, and in the meantime they went on getting land
under the Public Works Act and so forth. On the day after Labour Day
last year, Mr Ferry started his contract, so it would bo seen that he had
not done badly.—(Applause.) The company were now only awaiting another
gripper, and then they would get a permanent start—a matter of only a
day or so.—(Applause.)
The line commences at the Octagon, and runs straight up Stuart street
on a grade var}'ing from linls to level; then, crossing over York place
into Albert street, it continues on a grade averaging! in 10 to London
street. A slight curve here occurs, and the'line continues on an upward
grade through land acquired from tho High School Board of Governors
thence across the High School flat on a slight grade to the Queen's
Drive. It then mounts the hill through laud acquired from, the Otago
Presbyterian Ghureh Board, to High street. Roslyn, the grades varying,
and then there is a slight descentat Littlebourns, and at High street
the line crosses the RbSlyn Company's electric Kne. After negotiating a
short piece of level in School street it turns to the left, and joins
the' North Taieri: road", which it' follow?, in descending grades
averaging 1 in" 10, to the terminus at Church street, Kaikorai Valley.
The total length is .90 chains, and the track-is double "throughout. Tho
total ascent from Burns Monument to the summit at High street is 485
ft..' The power house, near the Kaikorai Valley ter- Vninus, is 118 ft
long and 35ft 6in wide, and is built of timber and iron. The rolling
stock is of the combined car and dummy type,; the' cars being very roomy
and comfortable.
A Kaikorai cable tram, seen from another tram in a screen capture from a video. William Hood Davidson shot
the movie in 1947, the year the line went out of business.
(Source: The Kaikorai Cable Tram. Amateur film
by William Hood Davidson, 1947. Hocken Collections.)
Dunedin and Kaikorai Tramway Company Limited. Power House.
(Source: The Kaikorai Cable Tram. Amateur film
by William Hood Davidson, 1947. Hocken Collections.)
A Kaikorai cable tram leaves the terminal. Another grip tram is back at the terminal. The pedestrian hops on
while the tram is moving.
(Source: The Kaikorai Cable Tram. Amateur film
by William Hood Davidson, 1947. Hocken Collections.)
A Kaikorai cable tram crests a hill.
(Source: The Kaikorai Cable Tram. Amateur film
by William Hood Davidson, 1947. Hocken Collections.)
Kaikorai cable tram 3.
(Source: The Kaikorai Cable Tram. Amateur film
by William Hood Davidson, 1947. Hocken Collections.)
Tracks along Elgin Road await the completion of the rest of the extension
(Source: Otago Witness, 28-June-1905). June, 2016 Picture of the Month.
line: Glenpark Avenue
opened: 06-October-1906. Mailer Street and Elgin Road from powerhouse
powerhouse: Eglinton Road.
grip: Single-jaw side grip, lever operated.
gauge: 3'6"
cars: One open dummy.
turntables: crossovers
This was the last new cable tramway built. There was controvery about whether it should use cable traction, or
something powered by petrol, either a railcar or a bus.
The had a lot of curvature, which wore out the cable. The line closed on 22-January-1910.
The Elgin Road extension was nearing completion. The new engine had been installed and the cable was "ordered from home". The
contractor started to build the single car.
(Source: Otago Daily Times, 13-January-1906)
A gentleman argues that it would have been better to buy a "petrol car" (motor tram?) for the extension, rather than
using cable traction.
(Source: Otago Daily Times, 13-January-1906)
The Kelburn Cable Car, a funicular in Wellington, NZ.
The Kelburn Cable Car, a funicular, has operated since 22-Feb-1902.
Take a ride on the Cable Car and
visit the Wellington Cable Car Museum
site to learn more.
In February, 2022, the Wellington Cable Car celebrated its 120th birthday.
In late 2005, they received grip car 3, which had been restored to its
1905 appearance. Grip Car 1, which was alread on display at the museum, and Grip Car 2,
which is housed at the Wellington Tramway Museum at Mackays Crossing, Paekakariki, both look
the way they did in the 1970's.
The COVID-19 virus required some new rules when the cable car returned to service.
Update 01-June-2021.
Bus Driver Nick has posted
a nice video about a visit to the Wellington Cable Car. Thank you to Bus Driver Nick for letting
me share his video.
In November, 2021, the Kelburn Cable Car allowed dogs to ride the line as a test. Naturally, the 101st
canine passenger was a Dalmation. The experiment was a success.
An ad for the Katoomba Scenic Railway. From the Sydney Farmer and Settler, 27-October-1937.
A story about the Katoomba Scenic Railway. From the Sydney Farmer and Settler, 27-October-1937.
Katoomba, New South Wales is in the Blue Mountains. The Katoomba Scenic Railway is part of a privately
owned tourist attraction called Katoomba Scenic World. The Katoomba Scenic Railway is not a Hallidie-type
cable tramway but is a funicular railway. Management claims that it is the steepest cable-driven funicular
railway in the world. It descends over a cliff, through a short tunnel, and into a rainforest in the
Jamison Valley. The steepest section is on an incline of 128 percent.
The railway was built in the 1880s to provide a connection to the outside world for
a coal and oil shale mining operation in the Jamison Valley. Tourists started riding the line on weekends
in 1928. The mine closed in 1945, but the railway remained open to carry tourists.
In early 2013, the railway was closed for about three months for a complete rebuilding. The current cars
are enclosed, with big windows and seats whose angle can be adjusted.
A 1950's view of cars at the passing loop in the upper line.
A 1999 view of cars at the upper passing loop.
Ric Francis has written a book about the Penang Hills
Funicular Railway. Thanks to Ric for providing
the illustrations and the information about the line.
The Malaysian island of Penang was administered by the British
Empire as part of the Straits Settlements (Penang, Malacca, and
Singapore). The lowlands around the port of Penang are hot and
humid. British administrators and colonists wanted to get away
to the higher, cooler Penang Hill, and decided that
a funicular railway was the way to get there. A line was
completed in 1906, but it didn't work and the company that
built it went under.
Postcard view of the cars of the original, unsuccessful Penang Hills Railway.
The Straits government organized a new project after the
First World War. The Penang Hills Funicular Railway was
designed by Arnold R Johnson, who had studied funiculars in
Switzerland. The funicular opened to the public on 21-Oct-1923,
and was immediately popular, both because it provided access
to the cooler upper air and because of the beautiful views.
Until 2010, the Penang Hills Funicular Railway had two independent
sections. The upper and lower sections each had two
counterbalanced 40-passenger cars. Each car
had automatic brakes which would apply if the cable broke or
otherwise lost tension. Each section had a
passing loop in the middle and intermediate stops. A winding
house at the top of each section was electrically driven.
The funicular carries both passengers and freight in special
wagons (cars in American).
The line is currently owned by the Penang Government and
operated by the George Town City Electricity Supply Department.
After an eight-month shutdown in 2003, caused by an equipment failure,
the line received a RM2.5mil rebuilding. After delays caused by difficulty in
locating materials, the line reopened in August, 2004.
On Sunday, 24-Apr-2005, a load of tourists was trapped on the hill for
three hours when a brake malfunctioned. Later that week, the
State Tourism Development and Environment Committee requested RM40mil
for a thorough overhaul of the system, citing its importance to tourism.
Ric Francis reports that on 21-February-2010, the line made its last run in its original
form. The upgraded system will run directly from the top to the bottom. The work is scheduled to
be complete by 28-September-2010, but people regard that date with skepticism.
An 07-May-2011 report in the FuniMag photoblog
says that the rebuilt line reopened 25-April-2011.
Ric Francis and Colin Ganley have published a book,
Penang Trams, Trolleybuses and Railways. It is a detailed history
of public transit Penang. I particularly enjoyed the
drawing which illustrated the liveries used at different times. This is
on-topic for this site because of the Penang Hills
Railway, a funicular.
If you are interested in reading this enjoyable book, it is available from
Areca Books.
Penang Hills car with baggage wagon at bottom station, before the rebuilding.
A modern car, pushing a freight wagon, approaches the tunnel
on the upper section, before the rebuilding.
Penang Hills car at bottom station, after the rebuilding. 2011 photograph.
Penang Hills cars at the passing loop, taken from the other car. 2011 photograph.
An old Penang Hills car at the currently unused old lower passing loop, taken from a new car.
2011 photograph.
The former Penang Hills middle station. The old track on the right holds an old
car which is on display. Note the sharp angle of the new track on the right.
2011 photograph.
Penang Hills car at the top station. 2011 photograph.
In 2011, Malaysia issued the Highland Tourist Spot set of stamps, including one
for the Penang Hills Funicular Railway.
As part of the 2022 Penang Hill Festival, veterans of the line gave a talk about its history:
"A Century-Year-Old Tale of Penang Hill Railway."
From The Street Railway Journal, January, 1893. Volume IX, Number 1.
A Cable made on the Lang lay, recently removed from the Victoria
street line, Melbourne, Australia, made a total of 113,951 miles, having
been in operation 101 weeks and four days, running at different times at
the rate of nine and ten miles per hour. The best record that had been
made on this line previously, was a total of 90,193 miles in eighty-five
weeks and two days. This record of 113,951 miles is one of the best ever
made by any rope, and fully justifies the claims of the manufacturers,
Messrs. George Cradock & Co., Wakefield, Eng., for this make of rope.
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