I will add other UK cable tramways to this page as time and information
permit. I always welcome suggestions.
- UK Companies
- UK Miscellany
Birmingham cable tram 104. Thank you to John Perkin.
"The cars on all the tramways are
long, narrow, double-decked, ugly, and dirty affairs, having no kind of
conveniences or provisions for the comfort of the traveling public. No
American city would tolerate such hideous things..." -- Report from
United States Consul Jarrett, published in 1892.
February, 2012 Picture of the Month. All rights reserved.
line: Main line
opened: 24-March-1888. Colmore Row to Hockley Brook.
extended: 20-April-1889. To Handsworth.
powerhouse: Hockley Depot
grip: Single-jaw side grip, lever-operated.
gauge: 3'0" (some sources say 3'6")
cars: double bogey, double end, double-deck and single-deck toastracks
terminals: Crossovers
crossings: none
notes: The Birmingham Central Tramways Company began operating horse trams
in 1885. A steep grade on Hockley Hill caused the company to convert the Colmore Row
line to cable traction. Engineers Edward Pritchard and
Joseph Kincaid designed and built the cable tramway.
The Hockley Depot worked two cables, one from Colmore Row and the other the Handsworth.
The Colmore Row cable ran at 7 miles per hour and the Handsworth cable ran at 9 miles
per hour.
The line was not considered a success. In 1896, the City of Birmingham Tramways
Company Ltd took over the Birmingham Central Tramways Company. In 1911, Birmingham
Corporation took over the Birmingham Tramways Company and converted the cable line
and the city's surviving horse, steam, and battery lines to electric traction.
The cable line last ran on 31-December-1911. Electric trams operated until 1953.
A new system of electric trams, operated by Midland Metro, opened on 31-May-1999.
Read about the Birmingham Central Tramways Company in Tramways: Their Construction and Working,
Embracing a Comprehensive History by Daniel Kinnear Clark -- Chapter
6, "Cable Traction"
from A Treatise Upon Cable Or Rope Traction by J. Bucknall Smith - 1887 - Page 105-106
The Corporation of Birmingham, acting under reports and opinions of
their Public Works Committee (supported by Sir Frederick Bramwell as
their consulting engineer), have unanimously agreed upon the
construction of a cable tramway system within their borough. The
necessary financial arrangements have been satisfactorily arranged, and
the works are progressing. The present system will consist of about four
miles of double track; the average steepest gradients being almost 1 in
20 to 1 in 13, and the sharpest curve about 45 ft. radius.
It is proposed to construct and work the system in two sections, the
first being from Colmore-row via Snow-hill and Holyhead-road to
Handsworth, a length of 2m. 7 fur.; the second section extending from
Colmore-row to Selby-road via the Bristol-road, this making an
aggregate distance of about four miles. The gradients above referred to
are upon the first-named section, those in the latter being very light.
The gauge of the track will be 3 ft. 6 in.
from The Electrical Engineer - November 25, 1892 - Page 551
Electric Tram Traction for Birmingham. -- Mr. Ebbsmith,
chairman of the Birmingham Central Tramways Company, thinks it prudent
to keep an open mind as to the advisability of using electric instead of
cable traction on those routes which are affected by his recent
proposals to form separate companies. If, he says, it could be used by
means of an overhead wire, the Central Tramways Company would be 'a gold
mine.' Cable traction is, of course, an economical thing to use, but the
objection to it, especially in the present condition of affairs, is that
it involves a large initial expenditure and a prolonged disturbance of
the street surface, and consequent suspension of the company's traffic.
The introduction of the overhead electric system is by comparison a
cheap and simple matter.
Birmingham cable tram 114 is just visible on the edge of this wonderful photo, along with two
omnibuses. Thank you to John Perkin. Robert Harley photo. All rights reserved.
February, 2012 Picture of the Month.
from United States Congressional Serial Set by United States Government
Printing Office - 1892 - Page 676
Report by Consul Jarrett.
(I) The systems of public transportation in the city of Birmingham
are omnibuses and horse, steam, cable, and electric trams.
Route: Colmore Row to Hockley Brook (cable)
Franchise Expires: June 30, 1911
Length of Single Line: 2 miles 53.6 Chains
... The cable and electric car systems are far from being satisfactory,
being very irregular and unreliable. The cars on all the tramways are
long, narrow, double-decked, ugly, and dirty affairs, having no kind of
conveniences or provisions for the comfort of the traveling public. No
American city would tolerate such hideous things...
... The cable service is worked by sixteen cars on all the days of the
week except Saturday, when there are two extra cars running. All these
cars are on the road an average of sixteen hours a day, but relief is
given to the drivers and conductors for periods varying from two and a
half to three hours and a half hours. Meals have to be taken while
traveling, except when mealtime comes around during a man's relief. Men
are expected to be at the depot in the morning fifteen minutes before
starting, and the conductors are occupied from ten to twenty minutes at
night in getting their accounts squared by a clerk. Each man works more
than thirteen hours a day the week round.
Conductors' wages for the first two years are 3s. 6d. (85
cents) a day; after two years, if no complaints have been made against
them, they are entitled to 3d. (6 cents) a day more; after three
years' service conductors' wages are 4s. (97 cents) a day.
Drivers begin at 4s. 6d. ($1.09) a day, and after six month's
service rise to 5s. ($1.22) a day, and after one year's service
to 5s. 6d. ($1.34) a day. |
The Birmingham Cable Tramway.
From The Street Railway Journal, January, 1887. Volume III, Number 1.
The construction of the cable tramway from Colmore Row to the borough
boundary in Hockley is about to be commenced. In the early part of the
summer Mr. E. Pritchard, M. I. C. E., who with Mr. Joseph Kincaid, M. I.
C. E., of London, is engineer to the Central Tramways Company, paid a
visit to America and inspected the various cable systems in operation in
a number of transatlantic cities. The result of this visit was to
convince him of the economical advantages of the cable principle, and to
afford valuable information from an engineering point of view. In a
number of particulars the construction of the line in Birmingham will
differ from that which is to be seen elsewhere, and will be a marked
improvement upon the cable tramway in Highgate Hill, London. The designs
having been well thought out by the engineers, have received close
examination at the hands of the Borough Surveyor and the Public Works
Committee, and have now been finally approved. Tenders for material and
labor in accordance with specifications have been invited, and the work
upon the line commenced. The Tramway Company have also begun operations
upon the land they have acquired in Whitmore street, Hockley, for the
purpose of the erection of driving machinery and sheds for the
accommodation of rolling stock. The financial conditions under which the
work is to be undertaken have been the subject of prolonged negotiations
between the directors of the Central Tramways Company and the municipal
authorities. An agreement was arrived at which, while fair to the
company, will secure the Corporation from loss. The latter are to be the
constructors and proprietors of the line, and the company will be
lessees. There will be two miles and five furlongs of single line, the
cost of constructing which is estimated at from $111,000 to $125,000, or
about $40,000 per mile. The company have deposited $12,000 per mile; and
a sum to pay for taking up the cable rail if found useless or
unremunerative, a contingency concerning which little fear is
entertained. As the Central Tramways Company, through their engineers,
possess special advantages, it has been arranged that they are to stand
in the relation of contractors to the Corporation for the purpose of
constructing the line. The Corporation will provide the stonework which
will be supplied at cost price to the company, who will be paid for the
work done as it progresses according to the Borough Surveyor's
certificate. It is expected that the tramway will be ready for opening
by May next. The line is to be laid upon the three feet six inch gauge,
corresponding with that of the newer tramways throughout the town,
and the rails for the car wheels will be of similar construction,
with the narrow grooves for the wheel flanges. In the middle of the
line will be two flat rails placed side by side at such a
distance from one another as to make a narrow slot over a channel
in the roadway, through which the cable runs
and by means of which the cars may be attached to the cable through the
operation of a gripping appliance. In some of the existing tramways the
cable chamber is practically a rectangular iron tube, but it is proposed
to use instead of this a chamber or gutter of concrete about two feet
six inches deep. At every four feet there will be in this chamber a
structure of wrought T iron called a "yoke," which will serve as
a transverse sleeper to support both the outside rails and the slot
rails. The latter will be attached by the tie-bars to the outer rails,
so that the pressure of the stone sets of the roadway may not tend to
push them together, and to close the slot. The structure of the yoke is
something like the letter V, with an O lying in the angle, except that
the arms of the V are more widely opened and curved instead of straight.
In the cable chamber there will be, at intervals of thirty feet, cast
iron or steel pulley wheels, revolving vertically, and affording support
to the cable. These wheels, which are about thirteen inches in
diameter, are made somewhat heavy, and lie up in bearings so as to run
smoothly and without rattle. Wherever they occur there will be
constructed by the side of the chamber a small manhole, through which a
workman can reach the pulleys to grease them, or to lift one completely
out and substitute another in case of injury. In order not to catch dirt
and wet falling through the slot the pulleys and cable will run not
immediately beneath but a little to one side of the opening.
The cable will form a circuit running up the center of one line,
round a horizontal, or nearly horizontal, pulley at the town end, back
to Hockley through the chamber of the other line, and through the
driving machinery at the engine-house, and then back to the first line
in an endless chain. For working the traffic it is proposed to use two
vehicles, one called a "dummy," which has a gripper to hold on to the
cable, and the other a passenger car, attached to the former by a
coupling. In some tramways the "dummy" is used only for the driver or man
controlling the gripper, but in the present instance it will probably be
used to carry "outside" passengers, instead of their being placed on the
top of the second car. With regard to the gripper, it may perhaps best
be explained by supposing that the left hand were put down the slot, the
fingers underneath the cable, and lifting it somewhat from the pulleys
on which it runs, and the thumb pressing upon the top. By holding it
loosely the cable would run through the hand, but by pressing down the
thumb it would be held fast, and carry the hand along with it. Not only
this, but where necessary an arrangement could be made whereby the cable
could be lifted sideways entirely out of the grasp. The gripper is an
iron arrangement very much on this principle. That which answers to the
fingers is a piece of iron having two little wheels to lessen the
friction; while that which answers to the thumb is another piece of
iron, which by the action of a lever is pressed down tightly on the
cable so as to hold it fast. The working of this mechanism on a straight
or nearly straight line looks pretty easy, but what will puzzle a good
many people is how the cable is to be worked round a sharp corner like
that at the top of Snow Hill, and how the cars are to be changed from
the up to the down line. The line on this part is to be constructed over
a subway, with iron girders to support the road, and instead of
vertical pulleys 30 feet apart there will be a series of horizontal
wheels or sheaves, with a flange on the lower side only. These are
comparatively close together, and will have this effect -- that as a car
ascends Snow Hill and turns the corner, the cable, instead of being
nearly beneath the slot, will be found running round these sheaves
rather nearer to the center of the curve, and the gripper will pull it
sideways from each sheave as it passes, and thus avoid striking the
horizontal pulleys, as by lifting the cable it avoids striking the
vertical pulleys in the straight portions. In order for the car to
change from one line to the other an automatic arrangement will be made,
just beyond the points, to release the cable from the gripper, and it
will for a short distance be carried at a lower level in the chamber,
round a large terminal pulley revolving in a pit, and then into the
chamber of the return line, gradually rising until it reaches the level
at which it will slip into the gripper of the car, which, from the point
at which it previously lost the cable, will run by gravitation, but
controlled by a brake over the points on to the departure line. The
object of the subway is that the sheaves on the curve and the terminal
pulley may be constantly examined and attended to.
The cable will be of about an inch in diameter, composed of six
strands of crucible steel (seven wires to a strand) twisted round a
Manilla center, and tested up to 80 tons to the square inch. For driving
it there will be provided at Whitmore street two engines of three
hundred horse-power each. These, however, will suffice to work another
current of cable up Soho Hill to Handsworth, which may be expected to be
constructed hereafter. Large horizontal wheels under the roadway near
the brook will lead the cable into the engine-house, and it will there
run round the driving pulleys, and also round some ingeniously-devised
appliances for maintaining a uniform tension, and for presenting a
stretch of slack in which repairing operations may be performed. The aid
of electricity will be invoked to apprise the engineer of the breakage
of any of the strands of the cable, so that he may know when to expect
the damaged portion to pass through the enginehouse. Upon an almost
entirely hilly route, such as that between Colmore Row and Hockley, the
traffic, if equal both ways, would be worked by a fraction over the
power needed to move the weight of the cable. The inequalities of the
traffic, however, at certain times of the day will necessitate a
considerable reserve of driving power. The depot in Whitmore street
occupies a site of about two acres, half of which will be covered with
buildings. The construction of the new line will enable the Wheeler
street route to be opened for traffic. On that line steam engines will
bring the cars to the junction with Constitutional Hill, where they will
be taken on by the cable, and complete their journey to the middle of
the town. -- Birmingham Daily Post.
from Great Britain: Handbook for Travelers by Karl Baedeker - 1890 - Page 255
Tramways. Steam Tramways, Horse Tramways, and Omnibuses traverse most
of the principal streets and ply to points in the environs. The chief
starting-points are Old Square (PI. F, 3), John Bright Street (PI. C,
3), Albert Street (PI. P, 4), and Suffolk Street (PI. B, 4). -- A Cable
Tramway runs from Colmore Row to New Inn. -- Electric Tramway from
Wellington Road to Bournbrook. -- Fares l-6d.
Go to top of page.
Douglas cable tram 72/73 running on its battery-powered trucks on 20-Aug-1998.
Photo courtesy of Geoff Cryer. Visit Geoff's Rail Pages
for more excellent pictures. July (Summer),
2001 Picture of the Quarter (copyright G A Cryer, 1998).
line: Upper Douglas
opened: 15-Aug-1896. "The route ... commences at the
foot of the pier near the southern end of the Promenade, and opposite
the Peveril Hotel. From this point it proceeds along Victoria Street, at
the top of which it turns sharply to the right up the steep incline of
Prospect Hill. The street then curves to the left and some distance
further on, by another curve to the right, the tramway is brought into
Bucks Road, which is a continuation of Prospect Hill. The route then
lies along West View and Woodburn Road, passing several moderate curves
until at the northernmost point of the line, Ballaquayle Road is
reached. There is a sharp curve here and by a rapidly falling gradient
the tram descends to the Broadway ... down to the Promenade ...
which the tramway reaches near the site of the old iron pier."
"Cable Traction in the Isle of Man",
1896 Railway World. October, 1896.
powerhouse: "Ballaquayle Road, near the Broadway"
"Cable Traction in the Isle of Man",
1896 Railway World. October, 1896.
grip: single jaw side
gauge: 3'0"
"The Douglas Cable Tramway",
an October 30, 1896 Engineering article. August, 2021 Picture of the Month.
cars: double ended, double bogied (trucked). One closed saloon, the
others with cross benches.
terminals: cross overs
crossings: N/A
notes: The Isle of Man, in the Irish Sea, is the Lost World
of railways. A visitor can ride on a horse car line that has operated
since 1876. At Derby Castle, the rider can transfer to an
electric car
built in 1893. The
Isle of Man Railway hauls its trains with tank engines
built between 1873 and 1926.
One piece of Manx transportation history that no longer lives in its original
form on the island is the Upper Douglas Cable Tramway.
Douglas Corporation wanted better transit service for the hilly Upper
Douglas area. They required the Isle
of Man Tramways & Electric Power Company, which operated the horse tramway,
to build a cable railway in return for an extended franchise.
"...when early in 1895 the Tramways Company came to the Douglas Town
Commissioners to ask for a renewal of the lease of the horse tramway
along the Promenade the Commissioners expressly stipulated, as an
indispensable feature of the agreement, that the upper part of the town
should be directly connected with the landing pier and the promenade by
a tramway." "Cable Traction in the Isle of Man",
1896 Railway World. October, 1896.
"The Douglas Cable Tramway",
an October 23, 1896 Engineering article. July, 2021 Picture of the Month.
The line followed a hilly, U-shaped route through Upper Douglas,
connecting with the promenade at each end.
Douglas Corporation acquired the horse tramway and the cable railway in
1902 after Dumbell's bank failed.
The cable tramway was abandoned on 19-Aug-1929.
Cars 72 and 73, the only surviving rolling stock, had been turned into a
bungalow. They had been built by G F Milnes in 1896. In 1976, the best
pieces were joined to form a new car, 72/73. In 1996, the car was put on
battery powered trucks. Persistent stories have it that the horses are
scared of the car, as they often were of cable cars.
On 21-Jan-2000, sewer excavations on the promenade near Victoria Street
exposed the terminal sheave pit. One sheave was destroyed, but the other
may be preserved. See the
Manx Electric Railway Society site for an illustrated story.
Visit the Isle of Man Tramways site.
A 1988 stamp depicting Douglas cable tram 72/73. August, 2004 Picture of the Month.
A postcard shows some of the lines in the Douglas area, including the Douglas Cable Tramway.
Go to top of page.
Thank you to John Perkin, Alex Dow, and mikeyashworth for providing information and images for this article.
Edinburgh cable tram 209, built in 1903 by the Electric Railway and Tramway Carriage Works.
Note the pilot wheel on the visible platform, which controlled the grip.
Source: mikeyashworth's photostream.
June, 2010 Picture of the Month. |
line: Trinity (Edinburgh Northern Cable Tramways)
opened: 28-January-1888. "This first line constructed meets Princes
Street in Hanover Street, and proceeds north over the hill in George
Street, and then descends the steep incline of Pitt Street. Passing
Henderson Row, where the cables branch off to the engine-house, it takes
curves of 195 feet and 80 feet radii, and crossing the old bridge of
Canonmills, which is the lowest point on the route, it ascends easier
grades to the Trinity terminus. The district round the southern half of
the line is completely built over, and the northern section is being
quickly developed since this line commenced operating. The cable passing
along this line traverses eighteen curves, of radii varying from 80 feet
to 980 feet, the smallest curve being less than a right angle. It is
also diverted at various places by nine large pulleys. The total height
ascended is 187 feet. The length of track is 3 miles."
powerhouse: Henderson Row
grip: single jaw side
gauge: 4'8 1/2"
cars: double bogey, double deck with open upper deck, double end
terminals: cross overs
crossings: N/A
line: Stockbridge (Edinburgh Northern Cable Tramways)
opened: ??-February-1890. "This line also starts from the main street of
Edinburgh, and travels parallel and over almost identical grades as part
of the other route. After passing round 100 feet curves into the Royal
Circus, the lines are almost entirely a series of curves passing through
steep and very narrow roads, thickly populated on all sides. The line
then crosses another old bridge at Stockbridge, where the cable leaves
for and returns from the engine-house ; the route, though curvy for a
time, is almost level. The cable on this line has to traverse 28 curves,
of radii ranging from 80 feet to 400 feet; it also is directed by the
same number of large pulleys as the other line. The total height
ascended on this route is 173 feet, and the length of the track is 2.4
powerhouse: Henderson Row
grip: single jaw side
gauge: 4'8 1/2"
cars: double bogey, double deck with open upper deck, double end
terminals: cross overs
crossings: N/A
Please note: All the Edinburgh and District Tramways Company lines listed
below are guesses on my part. I'm know I'm missing lines like Gorgie and others.
I'd be grateful for better information.
line: Princes Street (Edinburgh and District Tramways Company, Ltd)
Lines ran on Princes Street, but I haven't found any details about them
line: Leith Street (Edinburgh and District Tramways Company, Ltd)
opened: ??-???-????. Princes Street and Leith Walk by Leith Street,
Leith Walk to Pilrig
powerhouse: Shrubhill
grip: single jaw side
gauge: 4'8 1/2"
cars: double bogey, double deck with open upper deck, double end
turntables: cross overs?
crossings: N/A
line: Abbeyhill (Edinburgh and District Tramways Company, Ltd)
opened: 01-June-1899. Princes Street and Saint Andrews Street by Saint Andrews Street,
York Place, Leith Walk, London Road to Abbeyhill
powerhouse: Shrubhill?
grip: single jaw side
gauge: 4'8 1/2"
cars: double bogey, double deck with open upper deck, double end
turntables: cross overs?
crossings: N/A
line: Church Hill (Edinburgh and District Tramways Company, Ltd)
opened: ??-???-????. From Salisbury Place, Clerk Street and Grange Road by
Grange Road, Beaufort Road, Strathearn Road, Strathearn Place, Greenhill Gardens,
Church Hill to Morningside Road
powerhouse: Tollcross
grip: single jaw side
gauge: 4'8 1/2"
cars: double bogey, double deck with open upper deck, double end
turntables: cross overs?
crossings: N/A
line: Joppa (Edinburgh and District Tramways Company, Ltd)
opened: ??-???-????. From Waterloo Place, Leith Walk and Regent Road by
Regent Road, London Road, Parsons Green Terrace, Piersfield Terrace, Hoira Terrace,
Inchview Terrace, High Street, Abercorn Terrace to Joppa
powerhouse: Portobello
grip: single jaw side
gauge: 4'8 1/2"
cars: double bogey, double deck with open upper deck, double end
turntables: cross overs?
crossings: N/A
line: Craiglockhart (Edinburgh and District Tramways Company, Ltd)
opened: ??-???-1908. Gilmore Place via Granville Terrace, Polwarth Terrace,
Colinton Road to Craiglockhart
powerhouse: Tollcross
grip: single jaw side
gauge: 4'8 1/2"
cars: double bogey, double deck with open upper deck, double end
turntables: cross overs?
crossings: N/A
line: Canon Mills (Edinburgh and District Tramways Company, Ltd)
opened: ??-???-1908. Leith Walk and Broughton Street on Broughton Street to Canon Mills
powerhouse: Henderson Row
grip: single jaw side
gauge: 4'8 1/2"
cars: double bogey, double deck with open upper deck, double end
turntables: cross overs?
crossings: N/A
from A Treatise Upon Cable Or Rope Traction by J. Bucknall Smith - 1887 - Page 105
... in 1884 powers were obtained to construct about five miles of
cable tramways in Edinburgh, with the view of opening up the northern
districts of this beautiful capital. This cable system is designed and
located to serve the northern districts of Stockbridge, Trinity, and
Newhaven, via Royal Circus and Frederick-street and Cannon Mills,
Pitt and Hanover-streets to Princess-street respectively. The steepest
gradient will be about 1 in 13 to 1 in 14. The Cannon Mills section is
now in an advanced stage of construction.
notes: Despite having many narrow and curving streets, Edinburgh had the
most successful cable tram systems in the UK, operating from 1888 to 1922. Resistance to
overhead wires helped to keep the cables in operation.
The Edinburgh Northern Cable Tramways opened the Trinity line in 1888 and the
Stockbridge line in 1890. Engineer William Newby Colam
was involved in the design and construction of the company's lines. In 1890, he
presented a paper on the Edinburgh Northern Cable Tramways.
In 1894, the Edinburgh and District Tramways Company
took over the lines of horse tram operator Edinburgh Street Tramways Company.
Between 1899 and 1908, it converted most of them to cable traction, and also
created new lines. It also took over the Edinburgh Northern Cable Tramways.
from Transactions of the Seventh International Congress of Hygiene and Demography
by Charles Edward Shelly - 1892 - Page 65
For the last 20 years Edinburgh has possessed a horse tramway system
which traverses the leading lines of thoroughfare, and for the last two
or three years two separate systems of cable tramways have been at work
on the northern slopes, affording a pleasant and convenient means of
communication. At the present time the alternative questions of the
Corporation undertaking the management of the horse tramway system, or
granting a new lease under new conditions to the Edinburgh Street
Tramways Company, who have worked the system for the last 20 years, are
under consideration.
Edinburgh and District Tramways operated all of its routes under a lease from
the Edinburgh Corporation. During the First World War, the company had trouble
acquiring new cables and had to patch old ones to keep them in service.
Cars were not allowed to run on Sundays until 1902.
On 01-July-1919, Edinburgh Corporation took over operation of the tramways.
The Corporation began to replace cable trams with electric trams in 1919.
The last cable tram operated on 23-June-1923. Electric trams operated in Edinburgh until
The remains of cable tram 226 were discovered on a farm in 1987 and are in process of
being restored.
"Calton Hill, Edinburgh." A cable tram passes below Calton Hill and the Dugald Stewart Monument.
Source: Tramway and Light Railway Society Photographic Archive. |
In Edinburgh's Waterloo Place, a short segment of cable tram track and slot is visible
but nearly obscured.
Google Maps Streetview Image updated Jul 2019. Copyright 2020 Google. June, 2020 Picture of the Month.
A stretch of cable tram track is still visible in Waterloo Place at
Princes Street. Alex Dow reports that "Regarding the 'preserved' length
of track in Waterloo Place, unfortunately the last time I saw it, it was
rusting away and was partially covered by coloured road markings.
"As a piece of track, it is not in its original working position.
"When the (electric) track in that area was being lifted after
abandonment, the preserved section was moved from its double-track
position, to being centered in the road (say single-track), so is not in
its working location.
"I must be one of the few Edinburgh citizens who actually travelled
over that section of track, as it was a link for cabling purposes and
not in normal traffic use.
The back side of Edinburgh's Shrub Hill Depot.
Google Maps Streetview Image updated Jul 2019. Copyright 2020 Google.
"Back in the 1940s, my church Sunday School annual picnic was at
Piershill. The church was in McDonald Road, not far from the Dryden
Street back door of the Shrubhill Depot. So we walked from the church to
two trams which were waiting on the short lay-bye at the top end of the
Dryden Street depot track.
"The two trams then proceeded by Pilrig Street, Leith Walk to Princes
Street at the Post Office, where they reversed over the little-used link
track (including the cable-track section) on to the Waterloo Place
track, also there moving over on to the appropriate running line down to
An article in the 19-April-2007 Scotsman reported that
engineers preparing for Edinburgh's new tram system
(Edinburgh Trams) were surprised
to discover that many of the streets still contained the conduits from
Edinburgh's cable tram system. Further studies had to be made to
determine whether the conduits were strong enough to support the new
trams. The article made sure to mention that cable trams were invented by
a Scot.
The Royal London Insurance Group occupies a building that replaced Edinburgh's Henderson Row Depot,
retaining part of the facade.
Google Maps Streetview Image updated Jul 2019. Copyright 2020 Google.
A plaque on the Royal London Insurance Group's Edinburgh building on Henderson Row,
explaining that the Scottish Life Assurance Company had retained part of the facade of
the depot. The Royal London later took over from the Scottish Life Assurance.
Google Maps Streetview Image updated Jul 2019. Copyright 2020 Google. June, 2020 Picture of the Month.
Alex Dow reports that "Unfortunately, the bulk of (the Henderson Row
powerhouse) was demolished some twenty years back, being replaced by a
much larger insurance company building, which did incorporate a little of
the frontage of the cable car depot; but otherwise is completely
different from the general style of that building.
"Some of the cable wheels were found during the demolition; and are
incorporated into a small external display at the south-east corner of
the "new" building, ie down the side-street at the left-hand end.
"That later building however was generally designed to have a street
frontage of about 200 years back, about 80 years earlier than the cable
car building!
"Just recently (2007), I was informed that the insurance company had
vacated that later building; and it is now converted into flats (living
"I believe that the underground access passages are under Leith Walk,
not Henderson Row. A former colleague remembered being taken to them as
the Air-Raid Shelter for his primary school during WW2."
Read about the Edinburgh cable trams in Tramways: Their Construction and Working,
Embracing a Comprehensive History by Daniel Kinnear Clark -- Chapter
6, "Cable Traction"
from Tramway and Railway World, Volume 18 - August 10, 1899 - Page 322
EDINBURGH. -- It is now stated that the new cable tramways will
not be brought into regular use until the beginning of October when the
Pilrig and Braidhill section will probably be opened. The balance of the
undertaking will hardly be ready before the beginning of next year, at
the earliest.
from Tramway and Railway World, Volume 18 - October 5, 1899 - Page 414
At length we seem to be on the eve of the opening of a portion at least
of the new cable tramways in Edinburgh. At a meeting of the Town Council
on September 19, Lord Provost Mitchell Thomson made a statement in
regard to the lines. Dealing with the question of the delay in carrying
out the work, he noted that much delay was caused in 1897 by the
increase from time to time of the distance that it was originally
resolved to cable -- increases which had the cumulative effect of enlarging
the total extent of the track from 22 to 32 1/2 miles. The result was that
Mr. Colam had to re-cast all the plans he had already made. The present
Lord Provost was appointed in November, 1897, and he naturally became
Convener of the Tramway Committee. The plans for the pits were sent to
the measurer in December, 1897, and he confessed to being appalled in
the spring of 1898 to find that so much work still required to be done
in regard to the pits. The contracts were only signed in April, 1898,
and he declared that from that time until now no time had been lost in
the carrying out of the work, looking to its enormous extent and the
very great difficulties that had been put in their way. Continuing to
trace in detail the progress of the work, his Lordship stated that the
pit at the Register House was half finished, and that there were two
more sections to be done, the one down Leith Street, and the other up
the North Bridge; and that the pit at Princes Street was completed
although it had to be covered over temporarily owing to the
impossibility of getting the corrugated roofing from the works. All that
they had now to do to complete the tramway system and enable the cars to
run anywhere and everywhere was to complete the two pits at the Register
House, one half of the pit in Newington Road at Salisbury Place, one
half of the pit in Morrison Street, and the whole of the pit at
Haymarket. The power-stations were pretty well completed, with only the
exception of some few details. They could start work to-morrow, so far
as these trifles were concerned, and on September 23 a car would be
tried upon the Morningside route -- that was to say, from Tollcross out to
the Braids. On September 30 a car would be tried upon the Princes Street
route. They knew that the route from Shrub Hill to Princes Street via
York Place had already been tried, and operated well; so that they would
now try the route from Shrub Hill out to the Braids. After that they
required to get the officer of the Board of Trade to inspect the routes;
and he thought he might say that by October 9 or 11, cars would be
running for passenger traffic from Shrub Hill out to the Braids. The
delay that occurred took place in 1897, but since then the work had gone
on as well as one could wish it to do. In regard to the future -- he had
explained the pits that still required to be finished in order that they
might have the various routes opened -- the next route that they would
attack was the one from the Register House up to Newington, which would
also open the circular route. For the two pits, the one in North Bridge
and the one in Leith Street, he believed that the machinery would be
ready on an early date.
Regarding the Haymarket section, it was not so essential that it should
be proceeded with just now, and they wanted to press forward with the
completion of the route to Newington, in order that they might get the
circular route. The work on the Morrison Street route would be carried
on in connection with the Haymarket pit. A short discussion followed the
Lord Provost's statement.
The work of putting in the cable on the line from Tollcross to the
Braid Hills was completed on September 19. The following particulars
are with necessary modifications quoted from the Scotsman newspaper.
The cable is four and a half miles in length, weighs about 22 tons, and
is 3 3/4 ins in circumference, and is made of steel wire, 72 tons to the
square inch tensile strain. The rope, as a whole, will stand a breaking
strain of 42 tons, whereas the maximum amount of working strain will
not exceed 43 tons. The operation of paying in was new, and was
designed with the object of avoiding obstruction in the street, which
cannot be avoided when the usual custom of laying heavy cables by
traction engines is resorted to. Long lengths of half-inch steel cable
were used, and these were passed into the tube through the slot. They
were reeled off in handy lengths during two nights and then spliced
together. This half-inch cable was attached to the main cable, and it
was hauled into the engine house until the main cable which it pulled
into the conduit made its appearance. Preparations are now being
made to put in the cable from Tollcross via Lothian Road and Princes
Street to the Register House, and it is expected that this will have been
done by September 25. The Braid Hills and Pilrig route will, when
completed, be made up of three main lines of cable, viz., one from the
Braid Hills to Tollcross, one from Tollcross to the Register House, and
the other from Shrub Hill, via Leith Walk and York Place, to
St. Andrew Street. The cable length of these three lines will be about
12 miles.
from Tramway and Railway World, Volume 18 - November 2, 1899 - Page 462
EDINBURGH. -- After a few trial runs the first of the main cable
tramway routes in Edinburgh was on October 12 inspected by Sir Francis
Marindin, on behalf of the Board of Trade. A car was run between the
Braid Hill terminus and the boundary of Leith, and an inspection was
made of the Tollcross power-station. The arrangements of over-lapping
and auxiliary cables, and for transfer of a car from one cable to
another were duly examined. Everything worked well, and much admiration
was expressed at the ingenuity and perfection of the mechanism. The
route length inspected is over four miles in length, and with the
existing cable lines in Edinburgh makes a total of seven miles. This,
however, is only a fraction of the cable tracks which will shortly be
open. At a luncheon which followed the inspection, great gratification
was expressed by all the parties concerned, and it was intimated that
Major Marindin was very pleased with everything he had seen, and that
so far as he was concerned he absolutely passed for traffic the line
they had gone over.
from Transport World, Volume 18 - October 12, 1905 - Page 369
Not very much is now heard in the engineering press of the working of
the cable tramway system of Edinburgh, which, apart from a few
steep-grade lines, now stands alone in this country. The fact is, the
Edinburgh cable system did very well from the start, and it has been
improving rapidly, while now the improvement is more marked than ever.
Only the enormous interest which the Edinburgh District Tramways Company
have to pay to Edinburgh Town Council has prevented the payment of
dividends on the ordinary shares. This interest, it may be recalled, is
7 per cent, per annum on the cost of construction, and that cost was
abnormally, and as many think, unnecessarily high. There is every
prospect that dividends will speedily be available.
A recent visit to Edinburgh showed one of our representatives that
the improvement mechanically in the operation of the system has been
more than maintained. The short delays which used to take place at
junctions have disappeared completely. The cars cannot spurt to make up
time, as electric cars can do, but they maintain such a good equable
speed even in the centre of the city that the daily mileage per car is
better than that on many electric tramways. In Edinburgh, there is
little trouble from traffic blocks.
The returns of the traffic receipts continue to show great advances.
The financial year begins on January 1, and from the beginning of the
present year down to the end of September, the revenue was about £14,000
in advance of that of the corresponding period of last year. Considering
the nature of cable traction, this increased revenue should be earned
without any material increase in the motive power expenses. We shall
certainly look with interest for the next directors' report.
The greatest day which the system has yet experienced was on
September 18 last, the day on which the King reviewed the Scottish
Volunteers in the King's Park, Edinburgh. Besides the immense number of
Volunteers who had come from all over Scotland for the Review, Edinburgh
was besieged with masses of sight-seers. The result was that the
tramways carried no fewer than 450,000 passengers on that day, producing
receipts of £1.773. The highest revenue ever obtained before in one day
was £1,400, at the time of the Coronation celebrations. On September 18,
a full service of cars started at five o'clock in the morning and was
continued till midnight. The service was conducted without a hitch, and
Mr. Pitcairn, the general manager, was well entitled to congratulate
himself and his assistants on the results achieved.
The most important matter, however, which has recently transpired in
connection with the system is the fact that the speed of the cars is
being materially increased. Under the Acts authorizing the cable
tramways the speed was limited to eight miles an hour, except on the
northern lines where only six miles an hour was allowed. The usual
arrangement in tramway Acts is that the speed of the cars is to be such
as the Board of Trade may fix. Unfortunately for Edinburgh, however, and
for the Company, the maximum speeds were, for some reason -- perhaps lack
of foresight -- absolutely fixed by the local Acts. When experience had
convinced everybody that higher speeds could be used with safety, it was
found that the Board of Trade had no power to allow any higher speed
unless an Act were passed to repeal the speed provisions in the existing
Acts. Edinburgh Corporation early in the present year promoted a
Provisional Order under the Scotch Private Legislation Procedure Act to
provide that notwithstanding anything in the existing Acts the maximum
speeds on the tramways should be such as the Board of Trade might fix.
The Order was unopposed, and it accordingly passed without attracting
much public notice. The Board of Trade, acting on the powers conferred
on them, have now issued maximum speed regulations, under which the cars
may travel at twelve miles an hour on most of the routes. On certain
lines, however, where the gradients are more severe, speeds of ten and
eight miles an hour are fixed. The eight miles an hour applies in
particular to the northern lines, where the gradients are excessively
At present the arrangements are being carried out in the
power-stations for increasing the speed of the cables. An increase of
speed of no less than 50 per cent, on most of the lines, and of 33 per
cent, and 25 per cent, on others, cannot fail to produce great results.
A speed of 12 miles an hour was never allowed before on any cable
tramway in this country, though a higher speed than that has been common
enough in America, and 12 1/2 miles an hour is the cable speed used on the
Glasgow District Subway. The mileage made by each car per day will be
greatly increased, and the public, attracted by the higher speed, should
patronize the cars more than ever. Under the new conditions the
revenue-earning power of the system should be largely increased, and the
time required to travel from any one point to another materially
"Princes Street and N.B.R. Station, Edinburgh." Cable trams run on
Princes Street. The North British Railway became part of the
London and North Eastern Railway in 1923.
Source: Tramway and Light Railway Society Photographic Archive. |
from Transport World, Volume 18 - November 9, 1905 - Page 479
Mr. Thomas Hunter, W.S., Town Clerk of Edinburgh, has presented to
the Lord Provost's Committee of Edinburgh Town Council a long report
which he had been requested to prepare on the subject of the
Corporation's tramway policy. Appended to the report is another by Sir
Alex. Kennedy on the best mode of traction to be adopted for Gilmore
Place line which is at present worked by horses, and any suburban lines
which the Council may construct. Mr. Hunter first goes into a detailed
history of the tramway policy of the Corporation, leading down to the
present time when all lines except that in Gilmore Place are worked on
the cable system by the Corporation's lessees, the Edinburgh and
District Tramways Company. He also examines the various alternatives
which might be suggested in regard to the construction and working of
additional tramways, pointing out among other things that though the
cable system is a great success it cannot profitably, owing to its high
initial cost, be extended into regions where the traffic can only be
light. Reference is made to various electric systems, other than the
trolley wire method to which the Council are opposed on the score of
appearance. The following is an abstract of the main points brought out
in the report.
The general policy of the Corporation is to own all the tramways
within the city, and to make the extensions which the public
convenience may require. Accordingly they now own all the tramways
within the city with the exception of the line between Joppa and
Musselburgh (a continuation of the Musselburgh Tramways), and part of
the lines laid by Leith Town Council on the Edinburgh side of Pilrig
Street. In the case of these exceptions the Corporation have reserved
power to acquire them on six months' notice.
For the future, it is suggested that when a new tramway or extension
within the city is required, with a reasonable prospect of proving
remunerative, the Corporation should themselves construct it.
In the event of a Corporation tramway requiring to be carried a short
distance into the county, the Corporation may properly seek the
requisite powers, and construct it as an adjunct of the main tramway.
It is not advisable that the Corporation should construct tramways
outside the city boundaries, further than is indicated above. As,
however, the city will extend, the Corporation should not let the main
avenues to the city be occupied by tramways belonging to outside owners,
without taking precautions to safeguard the city's future interests.
This may be done by agreement with the companies making such lines,
stipulating that the Corporation should be entitled to acquire any
portion within the city, and, if necessary, the continuation outside, at
any time, on reasonable notice Either ownership or the open-door to
ownership at any time should be the Corporation's attitude towards all
the tramways within and around the city.
Although the right to decide upon the construction of extensions or
new lines within the city lies with the Corporation, it is desirable
that they should consult their lessees as to these The fact of the lines
being worked by the lessees has a material bearing upon (a) working
arrangements for running powers or through traffic between outside lines
and the Corporation tramways, if and where the system of traction allows
this ; (b) the working of continuation tramways outside the city
boundaries ; (c) the question of motor 'bus service in so far as that
service might be an adjunct or feeder to the tramways ; and (d) the
duty of the Corporation as the lease draws to a close, to determine and
arrange upon the course to follow for securing efficient service up to
the termination, and unbroken continuance of the traffic thereafter
For durability and economical cost of maintenance and working, the
cable system compares favourably with other systems. With regard to the
Gilmore Place route, it is necessary now to decide upon its conversion
to mechanical traction. The choice apparently lies between the cable
and the electric systems ; and probably in this case, one of the forms
of electric traction will be adopted.
With regard to the form of traction which should be adopted for lines
to he hereafter constructed, consideration should be given (a) to the
position of the line in its relation to the working of the rest of the
system or to a larger scheme ; (b) the initial cost of the system ; (c)
its durability; (d) the expense of maintenance and renewal of the whole
undertaking, including rails, equipment, machinery, plant, etc. ; (e)
the working expenses ; (f) the comfort of the service, and its effect,
if any, upon the amenity of the city.
Should any extensions or new lines be proposed it will be desirable
to consider how they will fit in with the general working of the cable
system if their mode of traction is electric. This points to the
importance of the cars being so constructed, if that be possible, as to
run over the cable lines as well as their own electric lines or vice
The Corporation electric light undertaking may be utilised with
advantage in future tramways; and, in any event, its statutory position
within the city should be protected.
In the case of the tramways owned by the Corporation within the city,
the payment of £5,500 per annum, which the tramway revenue makes to the
city rates, may be regarded as rent or wayleave for the streets. Where,
however, companies are allowed to come within the city with tramways, on
tenure subject to the Corporation acquiring them at any time, on short
notice, it is not appropriate to stipulate for payment of rent or
wayleave for the streets. If that were done for lines which did not pay,
it might prevent the company giving the public service ; and if the
lines were profitable, the Corporation ought to take them up.
The Corporation should not allow any outside authority or company to
obtain statutory or compulsory running powers over lines within the
city. Nevertheless, the public convenience may require through traffic
where that is practicable ; and, in such cases, working agreements
should be made between the owners of the tramways, including the parties
working them
The report proceeds to point out that the Corporation have agreed to
apply for powers to construct an electric tramway in Gilmore Place,
etc., running out to Slateford and returning to Fountainbridge They also
will seek authority to construct tramways, to be worked by electric or
other motive power, in Broughton Road and other streets on the north
side. Mr. Hunter goes on to indicate various considerations as to the
electric system which should be adopted for Gilmore Place line, and
refers to Sir A. Kennedy's report on the subject The following
interesting item is, however, added. According to the statements made by
the parties interested, the relative costs of the electric systems for
track construction would be : Overhead system, £6,000 per mile of single
track with an addition of £1,100 per mile of route (whether double or
single track) for overhead equipment; surface-contact systems, £1,200
more per mile of single track than the overhead system ; in the case of
the Kingsland system a further sum of about £600 per mile of single
track would be required. Various local considerations are then pointed
out with reference to the other proposed tramways.
Sir Alex. Kennedy, in the course of his report, says that whatever
system is decided upon for the Gilmore Place route may form the basis of
action for other new lines. At the time the cable lines were put down
the conduit electric system was only in an experimental stage, but it is
now working successfully in London and elsewhere. The capital expense,
however, make it unsuitable for any tramways except those in streets
where the traffic is very heavy. The system is out of the question for
the Gilmore Place line. Even if the traffic justified such an expense,
it would probably be better to extend the cable lines than to introduce
an entirely different system of equal cost for short distances As to
petroleum motor tramcars, these would be very expensive, and there is no
trustworthy experience as to the cost of running and maintenance.
The choice lies between overhead and surface-contact systems There is
nothing new to be said about the former, and the Corporation do not wish
to adopt it if they can get some other method. Of surface contact
systems, he has specially examined four for the Corporation's purpose,
the Kingsland, the G.B., the Lorain, and the Dolter. The first two have
not yet anywhere come into practical operation, and he cannot say that
either of them is as yet in a form suitable for use with continued
The other two are in a different category. He points to the
successful working of the Lorain system for three years in
Wolverhampton, and of the Dolter system in Paris. He thinks that with
proper care either of the two systems might be used on the Gilmore Place
line. Each system has specially good points of its own, and in each case
the results of working up to the present have indicated pretty clearly
the direction in which improvements must be made in future. He is not
prepared to say positively that either one of these two systems is
better than the other on the whole -- a comparison between the two is a
very complicated affair. At the proper time, however, it would be easy
to draw up a general specification to which both firms could tender, and
each of them could indicate in their offers the improvements which they
would propose to make. It would be easy to embody in the specification
all necessary clauses for the protection of the Corporation, as to
removing the work if it did not prove satisfactory, or as to payment for
the work being made only on condition that it did prove satisfactory
after a certain time of usage.
It might be advisable presently to ask both the Lorain and the Dolter
Companies to supply three or four "dummy" studs, which the Corporation
might put down at their proper intended level between the rails, and
leave there, so as to find out by practical trial whether their shape
and their elevation above the general road level causes any practical
inconvenience. He believes that it will be found, after the first few
days, that neither drivers or cyclists will find any real trouble from
The above reports were submitted to a special meeting of Edinburgh
Town Council on November 2. The Town Clerk made a statement on his
report, and defended the Corporation from a charge of undue delay in the
construction of the cable tramways which had been brought against them.
On the motion of Bailie Clark, a resolution was adopted declaring that
the Corporation should be the owners or potential owners, under option
of purchase, of all the tramways within the city, and should make such
extensions within the city as were required, where they would fit in
with the working of the general system. Other resolutions, regarding
extensions beyond the city, etc., were sent to the Lord Provost's
Committee for consideration and report Conferences, it was stated, would
be held with promoters of outside tramways.
from Report of the Special Committee Appointed to Investigate the Relations Between Cities and Towns
by Charles Francis Adams - 1898 - Page 250
EDINBURGH. -- The city has two systems of tramways, which it acquired
under provision of the Tramways Act. The principal is let on a lease of
twnty-one years to Messrs. Dick, Kerr & Co., at a rental equal to 7 per
cent. on the capital outlay. The lines are at present worked by horse
traction, but almost the whole of them are being cabled by the
Corporation. The Edinburgh Northern Tramway Company work two street
cable lines in the north of the city.
Capital. -- The capital on May 15, 1896, stood at $919,014.19.
Revenue. -- The rental from Messrs. Dick, Kerr & Co. was
$64,304.97; total receipts, $69, 748.84; total expenditure, including
cost of maintaining lines, interest, sinking fund, etc., $62,345.62;
surplus profit, $12,891.94.
from Great Britain: Handbook for Travelers by Karl Baedeker - 1906 - Page 515
Cable Tramways (fares l-5d.). The central point is the
Register House (Pl. E, 3), whence lines radiate to
Newington (Pl. F, 6) and Nether Liberton,
Morningside (Pl. C, 6), Braid Hills (p. 523).
Gorgie, Murray field, Pilrig St. (PI. F, 1; change
for electric cars to Leith), and Portobello (p. 507) and
Joppa (p. 509; change for electric cars to Musselburgh and
Levenhall). -- A circular tour, starting from the Register House,
may be made round the S. half of the city via the North and
South Bridges, Newington, Morningside
(Churchhill; change cars), the Lothian Road, and
Princes St. (fares 4d.; good view of the city from the top of
the cars). -- Cable Tramways run also from the foot of the Mound ( Pl.
D, 4) to George IV. Bridge (Pl. E, 4,6), Lauriston, Melville Drive, and
Marchmont Road ; from Hanover St. (Princes St.; Pl. D, 4) to the Botanic
Gardens and Golden Acre; and from Frederick Street (Princes St. ; Pl.
D,4) to Stockbridge (Pl B. C. 2) and Comely Bank. -- Horse Cars run from
Toll Cross (PI. C, 5) to Colinton Road, via Gilmore Place.
Geoff Cryer photographed these recently retired cars from the Glasgow Subway at the
Beamish Museum in County Durham in July, 1977. October 2001 Picture of the
Month (copyright G A Cryer, 1977).
line: Inner/Outer Circles
opened: 14-Dec-1896. Circular route under the city, crossing the Clyde
twice. 15 stations.
The powerhouse which drove the cables of the Glasgow District Subway still stood when this image
was taken in 2012.
Google Maps Streetview Image updated Jun 2012. Copyright 2021 Google.
powerhouse: Scotland Street between Shields Road and West Street stations.
grip: single jaw side, wheel operated
gauge: 4'0"
cars: single ended, single and double bogied (trucked) closed-bodied
rapid transit grip cars and trailers.
turntables: N/A
crossings: N/A
notes: While "underground" is the term usually used in the British
Isles for what an American would call a "subway", the pioneering
cable-hauled line in Glasgow was officially the Glasgow District Subway.
Only London and Budapest had underground transit lines before Glasgow.
The Glasgow District Subway built two tunnels on a circular 6.5 mile
route around the city. The conservative directors chose cable to operate
the system because they felt that electric propulsion was not sufficiently
developed. This was the only Hallidie-type cable-driven subway in the
world. London's Tower Bridge Subway and Istanbul's Tünel were both
A train pauses at a typical station platform, from
"Glasgow District Subway",
an October, 1898 Cassier's Magazine article. October, 2011 Picture of the Month.
The subway opened on 14-Dec-1896, but an accident caused service to halt
until 21-Jan-1897.
An account of the opening day of the Glasgow District Subway, from
a December, 1898 Engineering Magazine item. The line remained
closed for more than one month.
The system had many interesting features. There were no track
connections between the Inner and Outer Circles. There was no rail
connection with the shops; a crane lifted cars out of the tunnels for
servicing. Cars generally spent the night in the tunnels. The platforms
were only long enough to handle two-car trains. The cable used was 1.5" in
diameter, which was unusually thick for the industry. The cable ran at 12.5
miles per hour. There was no need for a conduit, so the cable ran above the
A map of the Glasgow District Subway, from
"Glasgow District Subway",
a December, 1898 Engineering Magazine article. October, 2021 Picture of the Month.
In 1923, the Glasgow Corporation (city) took over the system. They
tested third-rail electrification in 1933. In March, 1935, they electrified
the Inner Circle. On 30-Nov-1935, the last cable-driven train ran on the
Outer Circle. Both lines used converted cable stock.
The narrow gauge and short platforms made for many capacity problems.
In 1936, the official name changed from "Subway" to "Underground", but
Glaswegians continued to call it "subway". The current operator,
Strathclyde Passenger Transport Executive, officially calls it "Subway."
(Thank you to Hugh McAulay for the information.)
In 1940, the line was damaged by German bombs and closed for four months.
The converted cable equipment continued to run until 1977. The system
shut down until 16-Apr-1980. It reopened with new rolling stock, a rail
connection from the tunnels to the new maintenance shops, crossovers between
the circles, new track, power supply, and signals, and platforms long enough
to handle three-car trains. The circular route and the orange color of the
new cars inspired "clever" journalists to try to give the system the nickname
"Clockwork Orange". The name was roundly ignored. (Thanks to Charles Billette
for the information).
John Dabrowski reports that: " My older Scots relatives from Glasgow
still remember the cable subway cars of the pre-1935 era. One of the
rumors was that the smoke given off from hot idler wheels drenched by
'Stockholm tar', used as a preservative for the haulage rope, were good
for ones health, so children were encouraged to to stand on the edge of
the platform when no trains were present. To this day, a person with a
good sense of smell, can still smell the faint odor of this
preservative, I have myself!"
Keith Anderson took this photo of the Scotland Street powerhouse in 2013. He reports that the building is abandoned and is in dangerous condition.
Keith Anderson photo. All Rights Reserved.
Keith Anderson took this photo of trailer 39T at the Glasgow Riverside Museum in 2013. He reports: "Made by Hurst & Nelson Co - Motherwell, Scotland 1898, more or
less continuously used till 1977 ... recreated in the lost 'Merkland Street Station' (closed in 1977 @ 1st refurb)."
Keith Anderson photo. All Rights Reserved.
A map of the current Glasgow District Subway (source: ©2021 Strathclyde Partnership for Transport).
Go to top of page.
line: Kirkdale
opened: 25-Sep-1883. Kirkdale car sheds.
powerhouse: Kirkdale car sheds.
grip: probably single-jaw side
gauge: 4'8 1/2"
cars: (?)
turntables: (?)
crossings: N/A
notes: Thanks to Andrew D Young and Ron Smith for providing most of this
In 1883, Liverpool United Tramways, a horse tramway operator, considered
using cable traction on a line on London Road and Prescot Street from
William Brown Street to Kensington.
At the urging of the American Cable Railway
Trust's representatives, including William E
Eppelsheimer, Liverpool United arranged a trial at their car sheds at
Kirkdale. The trial took place in the yards at 3:30 pm on 25-Sep-1883.
There are few recorded details about the trial: No one knows how the
cable was powered. The grip was probably attached to a horse car, but no
one knows which one. No one knows if the installation ran again after
We do know that Liverpool United Tramways chose not to use cable
traction, but this experiment may have led to the construction of the
Highgate Hill Cable Tramway in London.
Go to top of page.
A model of a Highgate Hill train at the London
Transport Museum, Covent Garden, London. Note the double decked trailer. Photo by
Stuart Jenkins. December, 1999 Picture of the Month.
line: Highgate Hill
opened: 29-May-1884. Highgate Hill from the Archway Tavern to Southwood Lane, to a point
along Southwood Lane. Most of the line was double tracked, but about 1000 feet of line
in the High Street were single-tracked.
powerhouse: "...situated at the top of the hill on the east side of the High-street and
have a substantial frontage, composed principally of red and white brickwork relieved by
plinths, pillars, etc, of worked stone...The outside dimensions of the premises are about
130 ft long by 30 ft wide...The narrow and irregular character of the site would not permit
of the premises being built at right angles to the road, and hence they are unsuitable for
traffic purposes. Indeed, there can be no doubt that the site of the building is very
J Bucknall Smith, A Treatise Upon Cable or Rope Traction
grip: Single-jaw side grip.
gauge: 3'6"
cars: dummy & trailer trains. At least some trailers were double-decked. See below for other possibilities.
turntables: cross overs
crossings: none
from London and Its Environs by Karl Baedeker - 1889 - Page 32
The Highgate Steep Gradient Cable Tramway, the first of the kind in Europe, opened in 1884,
ascends Highgate Hill from Highgate Archway; the cars start every 5 min. (fares 2d up,
1d Down; halfway up 1d.). The motive power is supplied by an endless wire rope,
placed in a tube below the surface of the road and kept in motion by a stationary engine at one
end of the line. Connection between the car and the rope is effected by means of a 'gripping
attachment', passing through a slit in the middle of the track. The rope runs between the jaws of
the 'gripper', which the driver closes when he wishes to start the car, reversing the operation
and applying the brakes when he wishes to stop. The system works with great effectiveness and a
pleasant freedom from noise or dirt.
notes: The Highgate Hill Cable Tramway was the first cable tramway in Europe. It
was meant to demonstrate the Hallidie system.
An ad for San Francisco cable tramway engineer WW Hanscom.
From the April, 1885 American Railroad Journal.
W W Hanscom, a San Franciscan, was originally engaged to design the line. He gave up
and was replaced by William E. Eppelsheimer, who had designed
the pioneering Clay Street Hill Railroad and created the grip
currently used by San Francisco cable cars. The actual construction of the line was done
by J Bucknall Smith, who went on to write the most important contemporary work about
cable tramways, A Treatise Upon Cable or Rope Traction. I have quoted him
extensively in this section.
The street was not suitable for cable technology because of excessive curvature. "The
permanent way does not in all cases occupy the centre of the road; this variation was made
in order to ease the curves, which are all more or less objectionable to the cable system."
-- J Bucknall Smith.
The company was not a financial success. Service stopped after an accident in December
1892. The line opened again in 1897, and operated until August 1909.
Thank you to Stefan Isaksson for sharing some information he learned about the Highgate Hill
Tramway while doing research on Stockholm Tramways. Stefan reports that in 1885 someone
applied for a franchise to build cable traction lines in Stockholm, but the application
was rejected.
While the application was under review, a city official visited Highgate Hill and
filed a report which unfortunately is not signed. The report states that the initial
rolling stock was dummy grip cars pulling trailers. The trailers could go on to
other lines, pulled by horses. The author says that after some time, the connection between
the cars failed and the trailer ran away. There were no major consequences, but the
city required the company to use single unit cars. The cars were described as double
bogie (double truck in US usage) and double deck, carrying 26 passengers inside and 28
on the roof. The report states that the cable speed was 6 1/2 miles per hour. There
were five cars in service, a mixture of trains and single units. The report is dated 12-March-1885,
but does not state the date of the visit.
Karl Marx's grave in the Highgate Hill Cemetery.
Highgate Hill was the place where Dick Whittington decided to turn back and stay in
London. The line ran near the famous Highgate Hill Cemetery, burial place of Karl Marx,
Charles Dickens' family (but not Dickens himself) and other famous people.
Another view of the model Highgate Hill train at the London Transport Museum.
Photo by Stuart Jenkins. |
Thanks to Stuart Jenkins for providing photographs of and information about Highgate Hill.
An illustration of the slipper brake, known in the US as a track brake, used on the
Highgate Hill cars. From William Newby Colam's paper
Cable Tramways, which concentrates on Highgate Hill.
from Tramways: Their Construction and Working, Embracing a Comprehensive History By Daniel Kinnear Clark - 1894 - Page 532-533
The Highgate-hill cable tramway was the first cable line constructed
in this country. The works were carried out by the Patent Cable Tramways
Corporation, under the supervision of Messrs. Eppelsheimer and Colam
and the line was opened in May, 1884. It is nearly 3/4 mile in length, of
double way, constructed to a gauge of 3 1/2 feet, between the Archway
Tavern, Upper Holloway, and Southwood Lane, near the summit of
The gradients vary from 1 in 11 to 1 in 15, and the curves from 250
feet to 3,000 feet in radius. The way was laid with steel rails of the
Dugdale type, weighing 52 pounds per yard. The cable consists of
crucible steel wire, in strands closed round a hemp core. It is 3 inches
in circumference, or 15/16 inch thick, and it weighs about 5 tons
complete. It passes round two 8-feet pulleys at the termini, in brick
pits. The endless rope is carried on pulleys beneath the track, in a "tube"
of concrete, 10 1/2 inches deep, 8 1/2 inches wide. It is driven by
two independent horizontal steam engines, each of 25 nominal
horse-power, affording service in duplicate. The speed of the rope is
from 5 miles to 6 miles per hour.*
* Since the above paragraphs were written, the line has stopped working.
Go to top of page.
Kennington Changing-Place, where Brixton Road horse trams received cable grips for the trip up
Brixton Hill. From "A Chat on a Cable Car" by The Reverend John P
Hobson, M.A. September, 2010 Picture of the Month.
20 Brixton Road, the building in the view of Mornington Changing-Place with the arches,
still stands today. In 1903, it served as a depot (car barn) for Brixton Hill trams. Later
it was a substation for electric trams. Now it houses the Church of the Holy Redeemer, a
mission for the area's Italian community. Photo by kk69521 at flickr, All Rights Reserved.
September, 2020 Picture of the Month.
line: Brixton Hill
opened: ??-???-1888. "near Kennington Park through the busy thoroughfares of Brixton,
up Streatham-hill to a point near Streatham-hill Station" (from
Tramways: Their Construction and Working, Embracing a Comprehensive History
By Daniel Kinnear Clark - 1894)
extended: ??-Jun-1904. "The line from Brixton Cable Depot to Streatham Village was
opened in June last" (from The Municipal Year Book and Public Services Directory, 1905)
powerhouse: Streatham
grip: double jaw side
gauge: 4'8 1/2"
cars: Initially single bogey, double deck horse trams pulled by grip cars with no passenger
seating ("locomotives"). Later grips were attached directly to the horse trams
terminals: cross overs
crossings: N/A
notes: Brixton is a southern district of London. Horse-drawn trams
could not climb the considerable hill towards Streatham, so the
London Tramways Company built a cable tramway to carry the horse trams up
the hill.
Initially, the horse trams were pulled by grip cars which did not carry
from The American Review of Reviews - Volume 17, 1898 - Page 86
MR. HIRAM S. MAXIM, the inventor, is contributing to the
Engineering Magazine a series of articles on various differences
in industrial conditions between England and the United States. He has
been especially impressed by what he terms an ignorant prejudice in
England against American products. This he illustrates with an amusing
bit of personal experience:
"A short time ago an American cable line was established in Brixton,
a suburb of London. Upon first visiting Brixton I failed completely to
recognize the system, as each car was provided with a small and
extremely ugly locomotive. Upon closer inspection, however, I found that
the locomotive carried simply the clamping device. Upon asking the
'driver,' or the man at the clamp, the object of the apparatus, he said:
"' Oh, this is the locomotive. This draws the car.'
"' Oh,' I said, 'how nice! Please explain it.'
"'Well, underground here is a wire rope; this 'ere thing goes down
through this 'ere slot and clamps the rope, and the rope pulls the
locomotive, and the locomotive pulls the carriage, don't you see?'
"'What is the object of the locomotive?'
"'Why, to draw the car, of course.'
"'But why not put the clamp on the car and dispense with the locomotive altogether?'
"After he had thought the matter over a short time, I asked again:
"'What is the use of the locomotive?'
"His reply was:
"I'll be hanged if I know.'
"Now, if this system had been introduced into a country like Germany,
France, or Spain the natives would have had sufficient respect and
confidence in American engineers and systems to have put it up in the
exact manner that it was imported; but as the English engineers were
used to a locomotive and wished to make some change in the American
model, they added the 'locomotive,' which certainly looks very awkward,
and is, without question, superfluous."
After some time, a grip was attached directly to the horse tram, allowing it to run on the cable-operated
portion of the tramway.
"A Chat on a Cable Car" by The Reverend John P Hobson, M.A.
describes a 1902 trip on the line. It includes an illustration of the grip being attached to
a car.
from The Electrical Engineer - June 19, 1891 - Page 592
I find it ironic that this article about the Brixton Cable Tramway
was obscured by a big sticker. This has always been an obscure line. - JT
Cable Tramways. -- The South Metropolitan Tramways Company
have begun the laying of the metals of their new extension from
Brixton-hill to Telford-park. On this occasion, it is stated, the
company will for the time adopt the cable system of traction ...(text
obscured - JT) plan. It is understood that it ...(text obscured
- JT) carry this system the whole way ...(text obscured -
JT) the Streatham-hill terminus. We ...(text obscured - JT)
electric traction has been raised in ...(text obscured - JT)
than by sundry discussions amongst the company's own directors and
engineers. When various systems -- Lineff and accumulators -- are being
adopted, it seems rather premature to lay down a whole system of cable
The line was converted to electric traction around 1904.
from The Electrical Engineer - December 15, 1893 - Page 553
They Disliked the Bogies. -- Some of the inhabitants of
Brixton have complained of the noise made by the cable cars.
Major-General Hutchinson is to report to the Board of Trade as to
whether or not a further license is to be granted to the company.
A 1904 postcard shows London's Brixton Hill. |
from Tramways: Their Construction and Working, Embracing a Comprehensive History
By Daniel Kinnear Clark - 1894 - Page 553-557
Brixton Cable Route of the London Tramways.
(Note: Figures referred to in this section are not available. - JT)
The Brixton Cable Tramway of the London Tramways Company has a track
length of 5 1/2 miles, to a gauge of 4 feet 8 1/2 inches ; and runs from near
Kennington Park through the busy thoroughfares of Brixton, up
Streatham-hill to a point near Streatham-hill Station. The depot,
situated at the Streatham terminus, is of large dimensions, covering a
piece of ground 370 feet by 110 feet. Its arrangement is shown in detail
in Figs. 337 to 339 (Plates V. and VI.). It was built to accommodate the
machinery and cars necessary for working an extension of the line to
Streatham Common : a further distance of about three miles of route. The
London tramway line was opened for horse traffic about the year 1875 ;
and the cable tramway from Kennington to Telford Park, in December,
The cable, about six miles in length in one rope, was manufactured of
special steel, and it weighs about 30 tons. It runs along the road in a
concrete tube, constructed centrally along both up and down tracks,
somewhat similar to the arrangement in the case of the Edinburgh tramway
shown in Figs. 318 and 319 (page 535). The tube, which is properly
drained, is 19 inches deep and 9 inches wide. In the road, however,
there is but a continuous slot 5/8 inch wide; this slot being formed by
rolled steel slot-rails fixed to cast-iron yokes embedded in concrete.
The speed of the cable is 8 miles per hour.
In the tube on the straight road, at intervals of about 50 feet,
vertical pulleys, as in Fig. 320, are placed, and on the curves
horizontal pulleys (Fig. 321). at intervals proportionate to the curves.
These pulleys carry the cable so that normally it is from 1 1/2 inches to
2 1/2 inches out of the centre line of the slot: no road dirt, therefore,
falling on it.
Over each pulley a hatch cover (Fig. 319) 18 inches by 9 inches, is
placed in the road. This cover is fitted with wood blocks, and is very
little distinguishable from the ordinary paving.
At the Kennington terminus, large pulleys are provided for the
purpose of passing the cable from the up line to the down line, similar
to Fig. 322 (p. 538). At Streatham, similar pulleys are provided to pass
the cable into the depot.
Ordinary horse cars are employed on the line for passenger traffic,
coupled to a cable car for the purposes of cable traction. On the cable
car the gripping apparatus is mounted. Such a disposition was rendered
necessary by the fact that at Kennington the passenger cars are
despatched to three different termini by means of horses, and it was
thought undesirable to increase the weight of their cars by the gripping
apparatus. The cable cars simply carry the gripper and the driver, the
Board of Trade objecting to their carrying passengers until after the
line had been in operation for some time.
Each cable car is provided with a double-jawed gripper, somewhat
similar to Fig. 324--that is, a gripper which is capable of use on both
the up and the down lines. The gripper is suspended from the car framing
in such a way that it is free to move from left to right: a movement
which is necessary when rounding the curves in the slot. The shank,
which is 12 inches wide and 1/2 inch thick, passes through the slot, and
is fitted with upper and lower jaws for gripping the cable. The upper
jaw maintains a fixed level in the tube; whilst the lower jaw can be
raised or lowered by means of the hand-wheel and screw, as seen, above
the car floor, to the extent of 6 inches, thus rendering it possible to
pick up the cable at any part of the road. Both jaws are lined with soft
cast-iron dies, which are easily renewable. In rounding curves in the
road a horizontal roller is provided in the gripper shank, and this then
rolls on a recess in the slot rail.
There are four double-furnace Babcock & Wilcox water-tube boilers,
having a working pressure of 140 lbs. per square inch. They are provided
with Vicars' mechanical stokers and coal elevators ; also an automatic
arrangement for maintaining the steam steadily at one pressure without
interference on the part of the man in charge. The arrangement is worked
by a jet of steam from the boiler in such a way that as the pressure
rises above the normal working pressure the stokers are stopped, and
when it falls the stokers go on. Rain-water is collected in
The engines for driving the line are in duplicate. There are two
pairs of high-pressure compound steam-engines with high-pressure
cylinders of 20 inches, and low-pressure cylinders of 32 inches in
diameter respectively, and the stroke of both is 50 inches. Each pair of
engines is capable of driving 12 miles of cable with the necessary cars,
and is now developing about half its maximum power, the high-pressure
cylinders alone being used. One pair of engines is placed at each end of
the first motion-shaft, the two cylinders driving on to a U crank and a
disc crank respectively. The valve gear on the high-pressure cylinders
is of the Proell type ; the low-pressure cylinders are fitted with
Corliss valves. The motion of the engines is communicated to the counter
or cable shaft by means of a rope-drive, which forms the chief feature
of novelty in the engine-house. The ratio of the gearing is three to
one, and the large wheel on the countershaft is 30 feet diameter. Each
wheel is grooved for twenty-four 6 1/4-inch ropes, 2 inches in diameter.
A rope drive was installed instead of gearing in order to insure a
minimum of vibration and noise, the depot being built in a residential
At one end of the countershaft is a Mather & Platt clutch of the
outside grip pattern, which can be worked by means of a lever placed
near the engine stop-valve, thus insuring complete control of the
machinery from one point The clutch communicates the motion of the
countershaft to the grip pulley, the pulley which moves the cable. A
similar clutch and pulley are to be placed on the other end of the
countershaft to drive the second cable when the extensions are made. The
grip pulley is of the solid jaw type ; the jaw being a parallel groove
running round the pulley, the cable resting on a small shoulder on
either side of the jaw. The jaw, formed of white metal slabs cast in
place, and renewable, is found not to do any harm to the cable. This
method of drive should be contrasted with the present American
practice--two Walker differential drums having three or four complete
wraps of the cable, whereas a three-quarter lap is found to do the work
in London, and has been found equal to any strain put on it. The cable,
after leaving the grip pulley, is conducted by another wheel to the
tension pulley, which is mounted on a wrought-iron carriage free to run
on rails. A uniform tension is maintained on the cable by a weight
suspended from the back of the tension carriage. The rise or fall of
this weight is a perfect indicator of the amount of strain on the cable,
and by watching its movements a very good idea may be gained of the
fluctuations of the load which have to be provided for in a cable
tramway, in order to insure the smooth and steady running of the cars on
the road.
The depot is built on a level 10 feet above the level of the main
road, and the cars in returning to the shed have to mount a long incline
of 1 in 20. An auxiliary rope is provided here, which is driven by a
clutch on the countershaft, at a speed of about 2 1/2 miles per hour. It is
so arranged that the cars can take this rope on the main line, mount the
incline, and pass on to a traverser which commands the whole width of
the car-shed, and is moved by another rope off the main engines.
Machinery is provided for changing the cables on the main line,
together with the necessary storage drums. Machines are also provided
for doing all necessary repairs, such as slotting, planing, drilling,
turning. The necessary power for driving all this machinery is obtained
from the barring engine.
A travelling crane is provided; of 55 feet span to lift 24 tons on
two winches. This crane travels the whole length of the engine-house,
which is 150 feet.
Mr. W. N. Colam was the engineer for the whole of the work, including
the buildings; Messrs. Dick, Kerr & Co. were the contractors for the
road, gripping gear, engines, and most of the machinery; Messrs. Babcock
& Wilcox supplied the boilers; Messrs. Cradock & Co. the cable; and
Messrs. Lucas & Aird the buildings.
The Company possess in their Brixton route one of the most complete
installations for cable traction. They have applied to Parliament for an
Go to top of page.
Thank you to John Perkin for providing much of the information and almost
all of the images in this article.
"Crown Square and Cable Tram, Matlock." The elaborate shelter still exists in
another location. Source: Tramway and Light Railway Society Photographic Archive. |
line: Bank Road
opened: 28-March-1893. Bank Street from Crown Square to Wellington and Rutland Streets.
Single track with one passing turnout.
The depot (carbarn) and powerhouse of the Matlock Tramway now houses
the Matlock Green Garage.
Google Maps Streetview Image updated September 2018. Copyright 2020 Google.
powerhouse: Wellington and Rutland Streets
grip: Single-jaw side grip.
gauge: 3'6"
cars: double bogey, double deck with open upper deck, double end
turntables: According to one source, there was a loop at Crown Square. Upper end terminated in depot
crossings: none
notes: Matlock is a district in Derbyshire which was known from the 18th Century
to the mid-20th Century for its hydrotherapy spas. Bank Street climbed a steep hill
to reach some of the important spas.
Job Smith, proprietor of the Malvern House Hydro (spa) on Smedley Street, about halfway up the
hill, visited San Francisco and saw its cable trams. One source said
he did this in 1863, but that is not possible, as the first cable tram line, the
Clay Street Hill Railroad, started service in 1873. He had the idea
that a cable tramway would make life easier for visitors to Matlock. Smith joined with George
Newnes, MP to promote a cable tramway for Matlock.
This elaborate shelter served Tramway customers in Crown Square.
It now stands in Hall Leys Park.
Google Maps Streetview Image updated May 2017. Copyright 2020 Google.
May, 2020 Picture of the Month.
The line up Bank Street opened on 28-March-1893. It was about 5/8 miles long. The line started
in Crown Square because the area from Crown Square to the railway station was subject to flooding.
They built an elaborate shelter which still exists, having been moved to Hall Leys Park. The cable
ran at 5 1/2 miles per hour.
The line was single tracked with a passing turnout and stop at Smedley Street, near Smith's
Malvern House Hydro and Smedley's, the largest hydro spa in Matlock.
Matlock trams meet at the Smedley Street passing loop. Note the unusual usage of
"cable cars" rather than "cable trams."
Source: Tramway and Light Railway Society Photographic Archive.
The line ended in the yard of the depot (Powerhouse and carbarn for my fellow Americans - JT), which
still stands. The depot had a traverser (Transfer table - JT) to shift cars to storage tracks.
The boiler and engine rooms were on a lower level. The boilers fed two horizontal engines, only one of
which was used in regular service. In 1920, the steam engines in the powerplant were replaced by a
"suction gas plant."
The double bogie, double deck cars carried a grip at each end and had wheel and track brakes.
A Matlock tram, lettered "Matlock Urban District Council Tramway." Note the advertisements for
contractor John William Wildgoose and W. Pilkington Ph.C., Pharmaceutical and Photo Chemist. He
offers a free dark room.
Source: Tramway and Light Railway Society Photographic Archive. |
The line was never a great financial success. George Newnes, later Sir George, gradually bought out
all of his partners and came to be the sole owner. He offered the company to the Matlock Council as a gift.
Considering that the line was an important service to residents and visitors, the council accepted, so on
26-October-1898, the line became municipally operated. Fares at the time were one penny from Crown Square
up to Smedley Street and one penny from Smedley Street to the depot. The downhill fare was one penny all the way
from the Depot to Crown Square.
In the mid-1920s, a bus began operating from Crown Square to the depot by a winding route. On 23-September-1927,
the Matlock Council decided to eliminate the cable tramway. On 30-September-1927, the cable broke for the last time,
and service ended.
An image of Sir George Newnes from "The Lynton and Barnstaple Railway," The Railway Magazine,
May, 1898.
from Our Railways: Their Origin, Development, Incident and Romance By John Pendleton - 1894
... Mr. Newnes (George Newnes, M.P., later Sir George Newnes, Bart. - JT) has also given play
to his engineering hobby at Matlock, his native place; and in March,
1893, opened at the Bridge an ingeniously constructed cable tramway,
which, fitted with garden-seat cars, is a great convenience to visitors,
and removes Defoe's quaint reproach, "This Matlock Bath would be much
more frequented than it is if a bad stony road which leads to it, and no
accommodation when you get there, did not hinder."
Tramcars meet at the passing turnout.
Source: Tramway and Light Railway Society Photographic Archive. |
from History, Topography, and Directory of Derbyshire By Bulmer (T.) - 1895 - Page 428
Not the least useful addition to Matlock Bank in recent years is the
Steep Gradient Tramway, which was publicly opened on the 28th
March, 1893, by Mr. George Newnes (now Sir George Newnes, Bart.). The
inception of the scheme is due to Mr. Job Smith, and Mr. George Newnes,
M.P., proprietor of "Tit-Bits," "The Strand Magazine," and other
papers, and a native of Matlock, offered to finance the undertaking, but
as several local gentlemen desired to have an interest in it a company
was formed, with Mr. Newnes as chairman of the directors. The route
selected is very steep, rising upwards of 800 feet in the half-mile
length of the tram line. The cars are drawn by an endless cable, driven
by a steam engine, and travel at the rate of 5 1/2 miles per hour. The
trackway is single, except where the up and down cars pass each other.
The cable -- a wire rope of the best steel -- runs in a channel below
the surface in the centre of the trackway. This cable channel is wholly
enclosed, except a narrow slot between steel rails laid 11/16 in. apart.
The cars are attached to the cable by a gripper, which passes through
the slot. The gripper is under the control of the driver, who can by a
simple contrivance loosen the grip and stop the car, and he can as
easily in a moment start it again. Each car is provided with two of the
most powerful brakes -- one the ordinary working brake, the other the
emergency brake -- and so efficiently does this act that the car can be
brought to a dead stop in a distance less than its own length. Cable
traction has long been in use on gradients in the mining districts, but
this is the first instance in this country where it has been applied to
passenger traffic.
From the Directory
Wildgoose Geo., (a relative of John William Wildgoose? - JT) foreman of works, The Matlock Cable Tramway Co., Litd.; h Church street, Matlock Green
Sleigh Miles Atinson, clerk to Matlock Urban District Council and Cable Tramway Company, Ltd., Market Hall chambers
Rockside Hydro; Miss A.E. Goodwin, manageress. Elevation, 800 feet above sea level; re-furnished throughout; commands finest view in Matlock; under new management; Cable tram service from Matlock Bridge to front gate
Car 3 carries a good load up the hill. Note the gripman at his post on the
front platform. Also note the lack of advertising. I would want to ride upstairs.
Source: Tramway and Light Railway Society Photographic Archive.
May, 2010 Picture of the Month.
Another view of Car 3, now heavily draped with advertising and lettered for the
"Matlock Urban District Council Tramway." I wonder if the Council turned to advertising
in an effort to reduce the subsidies to the line.
Source: Tramway and Light Railway Society Photographic Archive.
A Matlock cable tram breasts the floodwaters in Crown Square. Floods caused serious problems for two cable tramways in
Los Angeles, introducing lots of grit into the sheaves. This tram appears to be placidly
sailing along.
Source: Tramway and Light Railway Society Photographic Archive. |
from Matlock Manor and Parish: Historical & Descriptive By Benjamin Bryan - 1903
This section describes a flood in late 1901 - JT
The cable tramway was stopped owing to the water flooding the
underground wheels in Crown Square.
An ad for the Rockside Hydropathic says: "CABLE TRAM FROM STATION TO FRONT GATE."
From Black's Guide to Edinburgh, 1903.
from Tramways: Their Construction and Working, Embracing a Comprehensive History By Daniel Kinnear Clark - 1894 - Page 552-553
Matlock Cable Tramway.
The Matlock Cable Tramway, opened in Easter, 1893, is a short line 5/8
mile in length, presenting unique features of construction and
application much appreciated by the residents in the district. The track
is all single line, with one passing place, and on the single line are
six curves from 180 feet to 1,000 feet in radius. The average gradient
is 1 in 7.7, and the steepest is 1 in 5. There is a rise of 300 feet in
770 yards. The width of road is in many places only 20 feet. Car brakes
are provided of sufficient power to stop a loaded car on the steepest
grade when running free after having left the cable. Each car is
provided with two brakes, a wheel and a rail brake. The construction of
the track is similar to that of the Edinburgh
Northern Cable Tramways, but special pulleys were designed to take
the cable round the curves. The gauge of the way is 3 1/2 feet. The
speed of the rope is 5 1/2 miles per hour.
The driving plant at the depot is in duplicate, and consists of two
Sinclair boilers fitted with mechanical stokers, and a pair of
high-pressure steam-engines with cylinders of 14 inches diameter and
28-inch stroke, with Proell valve gear. The grip pulley, cable gearing,
and car grippers are similar to those supplied for the Edinburgh cable
lines. The cars are double-deckers, and have garden seats both inside
and outside, seating 31 passengers. The whole of the permanent way,
engines, boilers, cars, and cables were provided through Messrs. Dick,
Kerr & Co. to the designs of Mr. W. N. Colam.
Mr. Croydon Marks was engineer to the company.
Go to top of page.
Marsh Station on the London and Blackwall Railway. A train is visible on the
viaduct. I can't find Marsh Station on a map of the line. I wonder if it is Poplar.
October, 2010 Picture of the Month. Source: The Literary World, July 11, 1840. |
The Commercial Railway was incorporated in 1836 to build a railroad from the Minories, an area
in the City of London, to Blackwall, in the East End. Blackwall was a center of shipping and
shipbuilding. The operators were reluctant to use steam locomotives because of the danger
of fire in the crowded areas through which the line would pass, and because of a desire
to provide service every 15 minutes. "At an extraordinary general meeting of the shareholders of
the company, held yesterday, the report of Messrs. Stephenson and Bidder, recommending the use of
two stationary engines to work the trains instead of locomotives, was adopted."
(Source: Mechanic's Magazine, January 20, 1838).
Robert Stephenson was a pioneering railway engineer who had designed the locomotive Rocket
for the Liverpool and Manchester Railway's Rainhill Trials in 1827. George Parker Bidder
had been known as a "calculating boy" who could perform complex mathematics in his head.
According to the the 1910 Encyclopædia Britannica, it was Bidder "who designed the
peculiar method of disconnecting a carriage at each station while the rest of the train went
on without stopping, which was employed in the early days of that line when it was worked by
means of a cable."
Built and opened in 1840 as the London and Blackwall Railway, the 3.75 mile line (after a short extension
from Minories to Fenchurch) had two tracks, which were operated independently. Track gauge has been
reported in different sources as 5 feet or 5' 1/2". Almost the entire line was built on viaducts.
There was a steam engine at each end of each track, 110 horsepower at the London end and 75 horsepower
at the Blackwall end. Trains from Blackwall to London were going generally uphill, so the London
engines needed more power to pull them.
Coordinating operations on the line required an early use of William Cooke and Charles Wheatstone's
electric telegraph.
When a train was ready to leave Fenchurch Street, an operator on each carriage would use George
Bidder's device to grip or pin the rope. A telegraph signal would tell the engineer in Blackwall
to start his steam engine, which would begin to wind up the rope. At the same time, the engineer at
the London end would release the sheave to allow the cable wound up there to unspool freely, and the
operators would release the brakes on the carriages.
When the train approached the first intermediate station, Shadwell, the operator on the last carriage
would release or slip the rope. The carriage would coast into the station and the operator would
apply the brakes to stop in the appropriate place. One or more carriages would slip the rope at each
intermediate station. When the last carriage or carriages arrived at Blackwall, the engineer would stop the
winding engine and a signal would tell the London engineer to apply the brakes to his sheave. When the cable
stopped, the operator on each carriage would grip or pin the stopped rope.
When it was time for the return trip, all the carriages would already be pinned to the rope. A telegraph
signal to London would tell the engineer to start his engine and begin winding the rope. The Blackwall engineer
would allow his sheave to turn freely.
As each carriage reached Fenchurch station, the operator would slip the rope and coast into the station.
When the last carriages arrived at Fenchurch, the London engineer would stop his engine and a telegraph
signal would tell the Blackwall engineer to stop his sheave.
This system allowed for a train every 15 minutes each way. Passengers could not travel directly from one
intermediate station to another. They would have to ride to the London terminal and then take a train to
the other intermediate station. The system also ran into problems with rope life and with twisting, which
led to experiments with wire rope. Wire ropes had problems with kinking.
Trains consisted of 4 to 8 passenger carriages and could include one or two goods carriages (freight cars).
Blackwall terminus on the London and Blackwall Railway.
Source: The Mirror, March 27, 1841. |
From Blackwall Station, passengers could connect with steamboats to Greenwich, Woolwich, Gravesend, and Margate.
Taking the train and getting on the boat in Blackwall was faster than taking the boat all the way from London.
In 1848, the line converted to use steam locomotives and changed to standard gauge (4' 8 1/2"). This allowed
the line to make extensions and connections. The London and Blackwall continued to be used until large sections
were abandoned in the 1960s.
A view from Commercial Street in London's Limehouse District showing a bridge built in
1840 for the London and Blackwall Railway. The bridge has been
used since 1987 by trains of the Docklands Light Railway, an automated electric line.
Google Maps Streetview Image updated Jun 2019. Copyright 2020 Google. October, 2020 Picture of the Month.
A view from Island Row in London's Limehouse District showing a viaduct built in
1840 for the London and Blackwall Railway. It has been
used since 1987 by trains of the Docklands Light Railway, an automated electric line.
Google Maps Streetview Image updated Apr 2019. Copyright 2020 Google.
In 1987, the Docklands Light Railway, an automated electric line, started using many of the remaining viaducts of
the London and Blackwall Railway.
from London by Charles Knight - 1851 - Page 311-312
I added some paragraph breaks to make it more readable (JT)
The London and Blackwall Railway has some peculiarly individual
features to distinguish it from the other metropolitan Railways, arising
chiefly from the fact that no locomotive engines are used on it, and
that it is necessary to set down passengers very frequently.
Accordingly, there is an endless rope, nearly six and a half miles long,
or double the length of the Railway, attached to two powerful engines,
one in Blackwall and one in London. A train starting from the latter is
so arranged as that the Blackwall carriages shall be foremost, and the
carriages for all intermediate stations similarly placed in order. At a
signal, given by means of the electric telegraph, the Blackwall engine
begins to wind up the rope, thereby drawing the carriages attached
towards it. On approaching the first station the carriage destined for
it is detached from the train by the guard, and stopped by a brake; and
the same proceeding takes place at all the other stations. Whilst
drawing the train the Blackwall engine has at the same time of course
unwound the other part of the rope attached to the London engine, which,
in its turn winding up, draws back the train, with all the carriages,
which before starting have been attached to the rope, wherever they
were, so that they come in with a rather serious-looking want of
unanimity, but of course they all do come in by dint of sufficient
winding-up of the rope, and so the carriages are again collected
together. The same line therefore, it will be seen, is used both for
going and returning. A stranger to the Railway, after reading this
account, may be surprised to hear that by such means, and hampered with
such difficulties, the Blackwall Railway will take him along at a rate
varying from twenty to thirty miles an hour. Yet so it is. And is a
great measure this has been accomplished through that beautiful
invention of our own times, the electric telegraph. Its importance here
may be understood when we state that is it not only necessary for the
attendants at each terminus to know when the train is about to start
from the opposite extremity of the line, but also when the carriages at
all five intermediate stations are ready; there must be, in short, an
almost instantaneous communication, whenever required, through the
entire line -- and this is obtained by means of the telegraph.
A wire, then, is laid down from London to Blackwall, connected where
required with certain small instruments containing a needle so fixed
that it moves either towards the left or the right, in accordance with
the direction given to the current passed through it; the one movement
intimating "stop," the other "go on;" those who desire to give the
signal previously ringing a bell placed above the dial in the place
where the signal is to be received, and which is also managed by an
ingenious application of the voltaic stream. Of course the communication
between the battery of any particular station and the general wire may
interrupted or continued as required.
from Notes and Queries by William John Thomas et al. - 1907 - Page 292
Responding to a query about early railways using open carriages. The
correspondent remembered his boyhood in the East End (1860-1870).
"On the London and Blackwall Railway the third-class "smoking" compartments had no
seats, and sides only shoulder high, the men inside leaning over them with their pipes
in their mouths. S. D. CLIPPINGDALE."
from Railway Economy: A Treatise on the New Art of Transport, Its Management,
Prospects and Relations by Dionysius Lardner - 1850 - Page 110
RULE II -- NEVER ATTEMPT TO GET INTO A RAILWAY carriage when it is in motion, no matter how slow
the motion may seem to be.
London and Blackwall | July 13, 1846. | Attempting to get upon a train after it
had started. Killed |
London and Blackwall | July 18, 1846. | Ditto, killed |
Go to top of page.
The Camden Incline, also known as Camden Bank, pulled Birmingham-bound trains of the London
and Birmingham Railway up a hill from Euston Station to Camden Town from 1837 until 1844.
London-bound trains coasted down the hill from Camden to Euston. Engineer Robert Stephenson
designed and built the entire London and Birmingham, including the incline. According to
some sources, the Act of Parliament that created the railroad did not allow locomotives
to proceed to Euston. Other sources claim that the company's first locomotives, built by
Edward Bury, lacked the power to haul trains up the incline.
from "The Inception of the London and North-Western Railway" by G. A. Sekon, The Railway
Magazine - August, 1889 - Page 97
In the early days of railways, when the London and Birmingham
Railway was constructed, engineers did not think it possible for
locomotive engines to ascend inclines much steeper than 1 in 330, which,
excepting the length of line between Euston and Camden, was the steepest
gradient on the line.
The Euston-Camden incline was partly 1 in 66 and partly 1 in 75, and
the trains were originally hauled up by means of an endless rope
actuated by stationary engines located at the Camden depot. The
winding-wheel of the apparatus was 14 ft. in diameter, the rope was 2 1/2
miles in length, and cost £460. When a train was ready to leave Euston,
the first coach was attached to the endless rope by means of the
"messenger," which was the name by which the rope connecting the coach
and the endless rope was known.
The signal from the station to the engine house at Camden, to
commence hauling the train, was a whistle, actuated by compressed air,
the signal taking 2 1/2 sees, to travel the distance separating the two
ends of the pipe. We read that "electricity was thought of as a quicker
signal agent, and some successful experiments were tried with it, but
experience has proved that the whistle is more advantageous and suitable
in every respect."
from British Locomotives: Their History, Construction, and Modern Development
by Charles John Bowen Cooke - 1893 - Page 371
When the London and North-Western Railway was first opened, it was
not considered feasible to work trains with locomotives on such a steep
incline; in fact, the locomotives of that period were not strong enough
to do so, and no engines ran beyond Camden Station, which was the
terminus as far as they were concerned. The trains were worked between
Euston and Camden by winding-gear. There were powerful engines driving
windlasses at Camden, and the trains were wound up from Euston by ropes,
and let down in the same way. Indeed, up till quite recently one engine
was not thought capable of working any trains up the Euston incline, and
a "bank engine" ran up behind every train.
This engine stood in a convenient siding and ran out after the
trains, catching them up, and propelling them as far as Camden. The
Board of Trade Regulations now discountenance assisting trains from
behind in this manner, and trains are worked up the incline entirely by
the engines drawing them.
from "Early Railroad Engineering" by Herbert T. Walker,
Scientific American - August, 1921 - Page 159
The aristocratic residents of Euston Square and Regents Park objected
to locomotives, and it was therefore decided to haul the trains from
Euston to Camden Town by cable traction. Two stationary engines of 60
horsepower each were built underground where the railroad crossed the
Regents Canal, about a mile from the Euston terminus. Each engine moved
an endless rope 7 inches in circumference and about 13 tons in weight.
The ropes ran over pulleys placed in the center of the two tracks for
trains coming from Euston, the up-grade being 1 in 60 and 1 in 75. On
arriving at Camden Town, the trains were taken on by locomotives.
Incoming trains ran into Euston by gravity. When the cable system was
put to work, the residents made a further objection to the noise caused
by the rattling of the ropes and pulleys.
from The Life of Robert Stephenson
by William Pole - 1866 - Pages 208-209
Euston Square lies much lower than Camden Town; and the portion of
the railway that lies between those points was worked for some years by
ropes and stationary engines, on account of the steepness of the
incline, and for no other reason. The trains from Euston Square were
drawn up the incline at the rate of twenty miles an hour by an apparatus
consisting of 10,000 feet of rope (six inches in circumference) and two
stationary engines. These engines and their ropes cost £25,000. The
uptrains were disjoined from the locomotives at Camden Town, and were
carried down the inclination by gravity alone into the Euston station,
and were prevented from attaining too great speed by the use of powerful
brakes. The line between Euston Square and Camden Town was thus worked
till the July of 1844, in which month locomotives were employed to draw
the laden carriages up the incline.* It may interest some readers to
know that the stationary engines, discarded from Camden Town, are at the
present time doing duty in a silver mine in Russia.
* The late Admiral Moorsom, R.N., amongst other papers supplied by
him for the biography of his friend, furnished the following extract from
the Minutes of the London and
Birmingham Line :--
'Friday: July 12, 1844.
'On and after Monday next the use of the rope will be wholly discontinued,
and all the trains taken from Euston by the locomotive engines.
'It will be necessary to notify to the locomotive department at Camden the
weight of the engines, thus --
'When likely to be 16 carriages, one signal about 8 minutes before the time
of departure.
'If likely to be 21, one signal 8 or 10 minutes, and a second 4 or 5
minutes before the time.
'(Signed) H. P. Bruyeres.'
The engine house still stands in Camden Town.
Go to top of page.
London's Tower Subway ran under the Thames from Tower Hill to
Pickleherring Street (great name) on the south bank. The tube through
which it ran was built by engineer Peter William Barlow and his assistant, James Henry
Greathead. Greathead developed the Greathead Shield, an iron cylinder about
8 feet in diameter with a square door at the front to allow the miners
access to the clay work face. The miners used hand tools to dig away the
clay in front of the shield, and then hydraulic rams pushed the shield
forward. Then iron tunnel lining was bolted into place to form a tube.
"Interior of Carriage" on the Tower Subway. From The Illustrated London News, 1870.
The tube was not suitable for steam traction and electric traction was
not sufficiently developed, so it opened with cable traction on narrow gauge
rails. The cable system used a single car permanently attached to an
an endless cable, which was driven by a stationary steam engine at one
terminal. An 1881 book quoted below says that the car used a grip which
could take and let go of the cable, but other sources disagree. The book
may have been thinking of contemporary cable railway technology. The Tower
Subway opened on 02-Aug-1870, but it was not reliable and the tube was
converted to a pedestrian walkway by November, 1870.
When Tower Bridge opened in 1894, the tube walkway was closed to the
public and the tube was used as a water pipe conduit. Today it also
carries fiber optic cables.
from Old and New London: A Narrative of Its History, Its People and Its Places
By Walter Thornbury, Edward Walford - 1881 - page 123
The Thames tube is 7 feet in clear internal diameter, and it originally carried a railway
of 2 feet 6 inches gauge. On this railway formerly ran an omnibus capable of conveying
twelve passengers. The omnibus was constructed of iron; it was light, but very strong,
and ran upon eight wheels, and was connected with a rope of steel wire by a means of
a gripe that could be at any time tightened or relaxed at pleasure, and at each end of the
tunnel this wire ran over a drum worked by means of a stationary engine.
If the carriage was stopped in the centre of the tunnel, the beat of the paddles of the
steamers above could be heard, and even the hammering on board ships. In time there will
be subways at Gravesend, Woolwich and Greenwich; and it has also been proposed to
form one from St. George's Church in the Borough to Cannon Street. The Tower subway is now
only used for foot-passengers, at a charge of one halfpenny.
from London and Its Environs by Karl Baedeker - 1889 - Page 126
On the S. side of Tower Hill is the Tower Subway, a tunnel constructed by
Barlow in 1870, passing under the Thames, and leading to Tooley Street
(corrupted from St. Olave Street) on the right (Southwark) bank. This gloomy
and unpleasant passage consists of an iron tube 400 yds. long and 7 ft. in
diameter, originally traversed by a tramway-car, but now used by pedestrians
only. A winding staircase of 96 steps descends to it on each side (1/2d.).
The subway was made in less than a year, at a cost of 20,000l.
In 1886, Greathead used a larger version of his shield to dig a tube for
the City and South London Railway under the Thames near
London Bridge. Greathead proposed cable traction for the City and South
London, but it was built as an electric line and was the first successful
tube railway.
Go to top of page.
James Henry Greathead, who had developed the shield used to dig
the Tower Subway, was hired to build London's
first tube railway, the City and South London. Previous underground
lines had run through shallow ditches, constructed using cut-and-cover
methods. Because of the shallow construction, the early underground
lines, like the pioneering Metropolitan Railway, were able to
use steam locomotives to pull their trains. The tunnels were dark,
smoky, and uncomfortable, but people were able to breathe enough air
to stay alive.
A Greathead shield. From The Railway Magazine,
"Illustrated Interviews/No. 25. -- Mr. Thomas Chellew Jenkin/
General Manager, City and South London Railway",
July, 1899.
A deep tube railway would not be able to provide enough oxygen to
support steam locomotives and live passengers and crew members, so
another form of power was required. The promoters initially proposed
using cable traction.
from The City and South London Railway
By James Henry Greathead (himself) - 1896 - page 7
The Act prohibited the use of steam locomotives, and the original
intention was to use the endless-cable system of haulage. There were to
be two cables, one between the City and the "Elephant and Castle," the
other between the "Elephant and Castle" and Stockwell, and it was
intended in the first instance to drive the former at 10 miles per hour
and the latter, the line being straighter and more level, at 12 miles
per hour. For this reason the tunnels on the latter section were made
somewhat larger than those on the first section, viz. 10 feet 6 inches
in diameter instead of 10 feet 2 inches. Owing to the progress made in
electric traction during the construction of the line, it was determined
to adopt that motive power in preference to the endless cable, which
will, however, receive a trial shortly on the Glasgow
District Subway.
from Transport World,
"THE LATE MR. C. G. MOTT." - December 7, 1905 - page 579
While Mr. Greathead had the privilege of designing the work and
carrying it out, Mr. (Charles Grey) Mott achieved the then difficult
task of raising the necessary capital. Originally it was intended that
the subway should be worked by cable traction, as the use of steam
locomotives was impossible on such a line.
Mr. Mott was looking into the question of the motive power to be used
when he came to a conclusion which, apart from anything else, decided
him against cable haulage. The story which we have been told, and of
which there is no reason to doubt the authenticity, is that when the
features of cable traction were pointed out to him he asked how a train
was to be got back to a station platform should the driver overshoot the
station. He was told that it was not possible to reverse the train, as
it could only move in the direction in which the cable was travelling.
He thereupon said that he would have nothing to do with the cable system
if anything which would meet his point could be found. As a matter of
fact, one has never heard of any difficulty of the sort arising in
practice on the Glasgow District Subway, where cable traction is used;
but that line did not come into existence till years after the time of
which we are writing.
Carriage interior. From The Railway Magazine,
"Illustrated Interviews/No. 25. -- Mr. Thomas Chellew Jenkin/
General Manager, City and South London Railway",
July, 1899.
from The Air and Ventilation of Subways
By George Albert Soper - 1908 - page 3
The pioneer deep tube subway under city streets was the
City and South London and was opened for traffic in 1890. It
is about three miles long and, like practically all deep-lying
roads, is composed of two metal-lined tubes running side by
side. This road has been very successful, carrying in the
first year of operation about 2,400,000 passengers. It was
the first important city subway to be operated by electricity.
The original intention was to use an endless cable for moving
the trains.
By the time the line was built, electric traction had developed sufficiently
to allow the use of electric locomotives to pull the trains.
Locomotive 16. From The Railway Magazine,
"Illustrated Interviews/No. 25. -- Mr. Thomas Chellew Jenkin/
General Manager, City and South London Railway",
July, 1899.
from The Romance of Modern Engineering
By Archibald Williams - 1908 - page 196
The City and South London Railway, extending under the Thames from the Monument
to Stockwell, a distance of 3 1/2 miles, was begun in 1886 by Greathead. Its
promoters originally intended to operate it by an endless cable, but during its
construction electric traction developed sufficiently to be applied to this
first of tube railways. The tunnels, running parallel, are 10 feet 2 inches in
Stockwell Station platform. From The Railway Magazine,
"Illustrated Interviews/No. 25. -- Mr. Thomas Chellew Jenkin/
General Manager, City and South London Railway",
July, 1899.
from The City and South London Railway
By James Henry Greathead (himself) - 1896 - page 12-13
Gradients and Curves. -- As has been already stated, it was
originally intended to work the traffic by the endless cable system. The
gradients and curves adopted were, consequently, steeper and sharper
than would have been contemplated for a line to be worked by
locomotives. The curves, however, could not have been reduced without
taking an altogether different route, involving risk of serious
opposition or heavy expense for right of way under buildings, or both.
Dip or Depression between Stations. -- On a line with frequent
stations and where all trains stop at every station, the provision of a
certain dip or depression between the stations, depending upon the
maximum speed allowable, is of great advantage to the obtaining of a
good average speed and economy of power...
This principle, which has often been proposed, but which cannot be
fully realised in practice, has been carried out where practicable on
the City and South London Railway, to the extent of accelerating up to
the cable speed originally intended, viz., 12 miles per hour; it is
found to be of great advantage in working the line. It would give an
additional advantage in working by cable, by reducing the destructive
slip between the cable and the gripper while accelerating, thus greatly
prolonging the life of the cable.
Stockwell Station. From The Railway Magazine,
"Illustrated Interviews/No. 25. -- Mr. Thomas Chellew Jenkin/
General Manager, City and South London Railway",
July, 1899.
Carriage shed. From The Railway Magazine,
"Illustrated Interviews/No. 25. -- Mr. Thomas Chellew Jenkin/
General Manager, City and South London Railway",
July, 1899.
Go to top of page.
Great Orme Tramway car 5 (Saint Silio) rolls into Victoria Station.
Photo by Martin Schönherr.
All rights reserved. August, 2002 Picture of the Month.
A stretch of single track on the lower section of the Great Orme
Tramway. Photo by Martin Schönherr.
All rights reserved.
Great Orme Tramway car on the lower line.
The seaside town of Llandudno lies on the coast of North Wales between
the Great and Little Orme headlands. Llandudno became a popular resort town
during the Nineteenth Century. Promoters decided that a cable tramway to the
top of Great Orme would be a big draw.
The tramway, which operates only from March to November, consists of two
funiculars, the lower line and the upper. The lower line, which opened on
31-Jul-1902, starts in Llandudno at Victoria Station. The first half of the
lower section is single-tracked through the streets of Llandudno
with the cable in a conduit. There is a switch at the mid-point where
the line splits to a passing loop and then to gauntlet tracks. This
keeps the cable centrally attached to each car away from the other. This is
the only street-running funicular outside of Portugal.
The two
lines meet at Halfway Station, where passengers transfer from the lower
section to the upper. The upper line, which opened on 08-Jul-1903, is a
counterbalanced funicular with an automatic passing loop in the middle. It has
all gauntlet track except for the passing track. The upper section runs
entirely on private right of way and
uses an endless rope, attached off-center on each car. The upper section
terminates at Summit Station, which is part of the Great Orme
Country Park Visitors' Centre.
The gauge of each section is 3'6". The cars carry trolley poles and a wire
runs above the entire line, but the poles and wire were for communication
between the cars and the winding house, rather than for power. Wireless
radios have been used since 1990.
The cables were steam-driven until 1957 when the winding house at Halfway
Station switched to electric power. The cables and tracks run through the
two car houses at Halfway Station.
Cars 4 (Saint Tudno) and 5 (Saint Silio) work the lower section. Cars 6
(Saint Seiriol) and 7 (Saint Trillo) work the upper section. Work cars 1-3 were
scrapped before 1930.
On 23-Aug-1932 the system had its only fatal accident. Car 4 became detached from the
cable while descending the lower section. The car derailed and killed the operator and
a 12-year-old passenger.
On 30-Apr-2000, the two cars on the upper line collided at the passing
loop and 17 people were injured. The accident was probably caused by a
problem with the automatic switch. The upper line reopened for the 2002
The tramway is now owned by the Conwy County Council.
Special thanks to Martin Schönherr for sharing his beautiful photos.
Visit his website.
Great Orme Tramway car on the lower line looking down towards Llandudno.
Note the cable slot and gauntlet tracks.
Car 7 on the upper section of the Great Orme Tramway.
Photo by Martin Schönherr.
All rights reserved.
A dramatic view of the passing loop on the upper section of the Great Orme Tramway.
Photo by Martin Schönherr.
All rights reserved.
A cachet issued in 1972 for the 70th anniversary of the opening.
Visit the Great Orme Tramway official site.
Because of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Great Orme Tramway cancelled its 2020 season. The opening of the 2021 season was delayed
until June 21st.
Read The Great Orme Tramway by AR Ellison, a 1903 article by the Resident
Engineer during construction.
Great Orme Summit complex, was once owned by middleweight champ Randy
Danger Ahead
has a preliminary report on the 30-Apr-2000 accident.