Thanks and Links/Page 2

by Joe Thompson

Links to this site Indicates sites that link to this site.

The following links are provided as a matter of convenience and do not constitute an endorsement of any person, product, action or activity.

Other People Who Have Provided Information

Thanks to Joe Lacey, former cable car conductor, for providing inside information about the cables. See How do cable cars work?/Bells for details on bell signals. See Christmas on the Cables for his reminiscences about the holiday season.


Thanks to Emiliano J Echeverria, former Muni employee, for providing an article about the California & Powell Signal Tower.


Thanks to Phil Brooks for providing information about his ancestor, Benjamin H. Brooks, the first man to propose a cable car line in San Francisco. See the Who page for details.


Thanks to Ron Westlund for providing photographs and information. See the California Street Cable Railroad and More California Street Pictures pages for details. Visit his DragoncitysMainPage.


Thanks to Richard Schlaich for providing information about the post-1906 Castro Street Cable line. See the Market Street Cable Railway page for details.


Thanks to Jeff Cleveland for providing information about the source of cable car bells. See How Do Cable Cars Work?/Bells page for details.


Thanks to Stuart Jenkins for providing photos and information about the Highgate Hill Cable Tramway in London.


Thanks to Christopher Steimle for suggesting the Cable Car Kitsch page.

Thanks to Val Golding for providing a set of newspaper clippings about the motor ferry Kalakala (external link to my ferry web site).

Thank you to First & Fastest, a magazine about the electric railways in the Chicago area for recommending this site in its Summer, 2000 issue.

Thanks to Ray Long for providing photos of the Industry Hills Incline, Sacramento/Clay car 16 and one of Cal Cable 56 at Washington/Mason. Ray also provided much of the information for the article on Private Funiculars in the Los Angeles area, and also information about the Temple Street Cable Railway.

Thanks to Bill Bolton for providing information about Melbourne and Sydney cable trams.

Thanks to Manny Manasievici for providing the diameter of a cable (on the How/Cable page).

Thanks to Don Galt for providing information about the Spokane Cable Railway.

Thanks to Randy Hees for providing a picture of early girder rail on the How Do Cable Cars Work?/Conduit page.


Thanks to Peter Vawser for supplying information about Melbourne cable tramways.

Thanks to Bob Murphy for supplying photos of Melbourne cable winding houses.

Thanks to Geoff Cryer for providing photographs of Upper Douglas Cable Tramway car 72/73 and retired cars of the Glasgow District Subway. Visit Geoff's Rail Pages for more excellent pictures.

Thanks to Ron Smith and David Young for providing information about the experimental cable car installation in Liverpool.

Thanks to Ron Gates for providing information and photos about the disposition of the cable car booths from Tacoma's Steve's Cable Car Room.

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San Francisco and California History Sites

Yahoo I have a site about San Francisco Bay Ferryboats (new url). Links to this site

Hoodline, "provides comprehensive, on-the-ground neighborhood news throughout San Francisco."

Space, is a neat site about the 1939-1940 fair at Treasure Island.

ThinkWalks "explore the overlap of urban and natural San Francisco. Life in the city, don't forget, is life in a natural environment, albeit altered by dreams and delusions of humans." Links to this site

Ron Filion has a growing site about San Francisco History, with a wonderful collection of information. Thanks to Ron for linking to this site. Don't miss the "Early Street Railroads" article.

Links to this site

I was excited to find out about the Western Neighborhoods Project, a site about the part of San Francisco where I grew up. Thanks to them for linking to this site.

The WNP sponsors the Open SF History project, which has a digital collection of historic San Francisco images.

Links to this site

The San Francisco Historical Society, has a growing site with lots of information about the Barbary Coast Trail. Thanks to them for linking to this site.

Links to this site

K & K Publications, dedicated to California History, had a site I can no longer find. They linked to this site in their "California History Research Resources" section. Their site was at

Links to this site

I am a member of the California Historical Society, which recently revised its excellent web site.


The Bancroft Library at the University of California, Berkeley, has many collections of interest to western historians, including the Bancroft Collection of Western Americana and Latin Americana and the cool California Heritage Digital Image Archive.

Space, is a neat site about the 1939-1940 fair at Treasure Island.


FunCheapSF, is Johnny Funcheap's guide to San Francisco for Cheapskates. It works for me.


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Pacific Northwest History Sites


Peter Erlich, San Francisco Muni motorman, owns several Yahoo groups, including PacificNWTraction which often discusses cable cars in the Pacific Northwest.

Links to this site

HistoryLink is a really neat site about Seattle history.


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Chicago History Sites

Phil O'Keefe's Chicago Tunnel Company Railroad Home Page offers a thorough treatment of a unique Chicago underground railway system. Thanks to Phil for including a link to this site. New url.
Link verified 09-February-2017.

Links to this site

Peter Erlich, San Francisco Muni motorman, owns several Yahoo groups, including Chicagoland_Traction which often discusses Chicago cable cars.

Links to this site

The Chicago Historical Society has a good site.


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New York/New Jersey History Sites

The North Jersey Electric Railway Historical Society has a nice site. Thanks to them for linking to this site.

Links to this site

Randall's Lost New York City is "a photographic essay of 19th century buildings destroyed in the 1970's". Thanks to Randall for providing an image of a former cable car powerhouse in which he once lived. Visit his site to see his article about the Cable Building in New York. And thanks for linking to this site.

Links to this site

Peter Erlich, San Francisco Muni motorman, owns several Yahoo groups, including BigAppleTraction which often discusses New York/New Jersey cable cars.

Links to this site

Jeffrey Stanton's Coney Island History Site has wonderful articles about the history of that amusement area. Never forget that the various incarnations of L A Thompson's Scenic Railway were cable-driven.


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Other Sites That Link to This Site is an interesting site that has pages on many San Francisco attractions, including cable cars. (Links to this site)

Links to this site THE source of LED taillights for classics, customs and more. Let us make your ride light! (Links to this site)

Links to this site

Hotel Reservations from, an interesting resource about hotels in San Francisco, links to this site.

Links to this site

San Francisco Hotels - Your Official Guide, a reference about about vacation rentals and hotels in San Francisco, links to this site.

Links to this site

San Francisco Hotels Online, a well organised directory of hotels in San Francisco, links to this site.

Links to this site links to this site.

Links to this site

Carlynx the Auto Web Authority links to this site in its "Buses" (!?) section.

Links to this site

Carnaval.Com included this site in its list of "Free & Cheap Things To Do in San Francisco".

Links to this site

The Quit Smoking Community: Kicking the Habit Together does good work. Don't smoke. If you do smoke, find a way to stop.


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Other Sites That I Enjoy

I am naturally partial to my personal home page. You will find my comments on many transit-related issues.

Links to this site

Park Trains and Tourist Trains (new url) I have a site about Park Trains and Tourist Trains (new name). Links to this site


As if I didn't have enough websites to keep track of, I now have a blog:

The Pneumatic Rolling-Sphere Carrier Delusion


Big V

And now I now have another blog, mostly about movies:

The Big V Riot Squad

Big V

Visit George Ebey's website to sample some of his fiction.


Yahoo Thanks to Tech TV's Internet Tonight for featuring this site on 17-Nov-2000. Links to this site

Charl Lucassen's Chronophotographical Projections ( was a beautiful site about pre-cinema and early motion picture experiments. He brought the work of Muybridge, Marey, le Prince, and others back to life.


I recently came across Paul T Burns' The Complete History of The Discovery of Cinematography . When he says complete, he isn't exagerrating.

Space is a nice site about classic movies, with special sections on shorts and Saturday matinees.


Greenbriar Picture Shows is a blog with good pictures and text, concentrating on "the great days of movie exhibition."


Tom Sutpen's If Charlie Parker Was a Gunslinger, There'd Be a Whole Lot of Dead Copycats, is one of favorite blogs, about movies and American culture in general. Wonderful images. And a great title.


The Third Banana is a blog dedicated to comedy.


Trouble in Paradise talks about pre-code cinema.


Vitaphone Varieties "Observations On Film, Music & Imagery of the Past".


Anna's The Crowd Roars is a blog about movies of the 1920's and 1930's.


J Theakston's Central Theatre is a "weekly retrospective of the movie going days of yore."


Operator 99's Allure highlights his collection of movie-related postcards.


Luke McKernan has a website, Who's Who of Victorian Cinema, based on the book he wrote with Stephen Herbert, and a new blog, The Bioscope, "Reporting on the World of Early Cinema".


Tom Stathes's CartoonsOnFilm is a "is dedicated to information regarding Early Animation History and collecting 16mm cartoons. This is also the official blog of Cartoons on Film, a major source for Early Animation on DVD."


Stripper's Guide: Don't let the name fool you. It's about comic strips.


Shorpy: The 100 Year Old Photo Blog. Not all the photos are 100 years old, but most are wonderful. Especially the railroad-related images.


Boogie Woogie Flu chronicles a "degenerate record collector's disease".


The Wax Apple is "The Premiere Research Journal Devoted to Laurel and Hardy and the Hal Roach All-Stars".


Turner Classic Movies is my favorite cable channel.


The Thrilling Detective Web Site is dedicated to hard boiled detectives in literature, film, radio, television, and comics.


Bix Beiderbecke Resources: A Bixography is dedicated to the life and music of Bix Beiderbecke.


I am a lifelong fan of the San Francisco Giants.


The San Francisco Seals were before my time, but Todd Hawley has a neat site about them.


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Copyright 1996-2018 by Joe Thompson. All rights reserved.
Last updated 01-February-2018